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meet me today at 7 p.m. and guess this coffee to find where am i

cant wait to see you :-) and if you have no idea what coffee is this, it names rhymed with avocado!

love, Kiwi.

evelyn decided not to reply. she is in shock, today? i mean who wouldn't be? calum-freaking-hood (even though she didn't know it's him) asked you to meet him today. without you preparing anything. she takes a sip, thinking for a while before taking another one. something rhymed with avocado. . .i think i know.

but after 15 minutes take a sip of the coffee everytime, she didn't get anything, and she almost finished the coffee. she looked at her watch and it says 4 p.m.

there's caramel sauce in it. and espresso. she keeps thinking about a name of a coffee that rhymes with avocado. avocado? hm.

she finished her coffee. she had been sitting there for too long with still no answers. it's tomorrow, that'd be embarrassing if she didn't get the answer. she's the coffee girl, right? she'll find a way.

she raises her hand, and a waiter came to her table and a menu was set on her table. she smiled. "do you want to order now?"

"no, i'm just gonna look through the menu for a while." the waiter nodded and left her. she's just hoping that whatever this coffee is, it's on the menu. she searched and came across the newest coffee on the shop.

breve, antoccino,caffé medici, affogato, caffé tobio, café to - wait. . .it's affogato!

she clapped her hands, a bit too loud causing almost everyone to look at her weirdly and the same waiter coming to her table. "so, you ready to order?"

"i'd have an affogato, please."

"that's it?" she nodded and he walked away. she has no idea why did she order it. but, it tastes nice so why not. but what it has to do with the place? affogato. affogato. affogato. oh, maybe it's from somewhere else.

she took out her phone and google affogato. she opened the Wikipedia page and found out that affogato is the Italian for drowned. Italian for drowned.

Italian. drowned.

where do you can most possibly get drown? a lake, or a sea or anything that has to do with water.

Italian. it could be some place that has something about Itay.

so, it is a place that has something to do with Italy that is placed near a lake or something. but there's a lot of place like that. how am i gonna find it?

she tapped her fingers on the table. maybe i should start searching right now. she puts a 20 dollar bill on the table - for her coffee - and walked out.

little did she knows, calum was watching her the whole time, smiling like an idiot. he had some papers and a polaroid on his hands. here we go.


i didnt know what the gif has to do with the chapter bUt LUCIFER

a couple chapter left ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

and when i use that face you should just know what am i thinking and what am i gonna do

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