chai latte

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dear Bambi and her kitty- Ella,

i'm happy you love it, Bambi! i'll make sure to show you some of them, they're not really good anyway. since you got it right i'm giving you one of my favorite drawings. it's just a random drawings though.

I WISH I ACTUALLY HAVE A PUPPY BUT MOM WOULDN'T LET ME, sorry for the caps, i'm just jealous. is your kitty cuter than me? :(

YES KIWI AS IN NATIONALITY oh that calum guy yeah he is pretty cute no homo though Bambi do you like him? :-)

you should read one of them to me one day, okay. you seem to have great taste in books.

how do you know that? well, my favorite bands? so many but mayday parade, all time low, arctic monkeys, the 1975 and the list goes on and on. i like too many bands. and don't forget 5sos, they're pretty cool. (yes i like them)

what's this one? (this is so freaking easy)

and, celebrity crush? (i hope i make it into the list) ;-)

sincerely, the music Kiwi boy.

dear Kiwi,

HOLY CRAP, your drawing is really good. I LOVE IT SO MUCH you are really talented what even i can't even draw straight line

AW I SHALL BUY YOU PUPPY ONE DAY TO MAKE YOU HAPPY, my brother wanted a puppy too, but mom said later. yes, Ella is way cuter than you, Kiwi.

do i like him? is that even question come on we all know everyone wants a piece of that ass, let's be real.

i don't think i do. but i'll read you one of my favorite!

ah, i've heard about them and listen to some of their songs, they're pretty great. DID YOU JUST MENTION 5SOS BECAUSE OH MY GOD I LIKE THEM i'm sorry i get too excited sometimes


this is one hard question. but, probably, matt healy and ansel elgort. i don't know, i actually have like tons but i can't write them all in here so. OH AND DON'T FORGET MICHAEL CLIFFORD THAT BOY I SWEAR TO GOD

i don't know if you're a celebrity or not, but i'm still gonna include you anyway Kiwi.

sincerely, Bambi.


CAN WE LAUGH AT THIS CHAPTER bc damn girl youre talking to calum fucking hood who can turn just like a puppy in .20 seconds and be all cute and giggly and sweet and the next second he'd be a bad ass shit with band shirts and black skinny jeans and he is 6 fucking feet tall band member who get a date faster than you can say fuck me sideways


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