café au lait

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dear the girl with bright eyes and sweet smile (oh, and a beautiful face),

i have been watching you since i stepped in this coffee shop, and i always adored you, from afar, of course. that's not creepy, right? i hope it's not.

i always wanted to talk to you, but being the chicken i am, i have no bravery to. After some convincing from my friends, i wrote this for you and i hope you actually love it. (it would be super awkward if you don't and i'd be sad)

oh! and i also bought you a coffee. guess what coffee is this, and send me back a note. just attach it to the cup. i'm looking forward for your reply. :-)

sincerely, the boy that adores you.

dear you a.k.a the mysterious boy,

that's really sweet of you! and no, that's not creepy. it's kind of cute. you're cute. no one has ever done things like this to me.

and you know what? you should've talk to me sooner. i love making friends. well, why don't you just talk to me in person? that would be fun.

and, i know what is this: café au lait, a French way of preparing 'coffee with milk' in Europe. it consists of strong coffee mixed with scalded milk in a 1:1 ratio. i know much things, right?

oh! and by the way, mysterious boy, i think i already like you. :-)

sincerely, the coffee girl (i'm gonna start calling myself that).


i imagine the girl looked like the picture beside :-)

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