Spy Fly

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- I've been trying to write fanfiction, mainly for this and Behind The Scars. I've been getting distracted by doing roleplays...which have given me an idea for a Harry Potter story. 

- I'm still working on chapter 5, which will be posted on here the same day it will be posted to the fanfiction website. I'm also still working on some other stories for this, which will be rewritten from the versions that are on my fanfiction account.


Dani's POV

About a week after Marcus tried to kill Leo, he decided not to show up for school. I shrugged it off, not really caring. I went to school that day and knew that if anyone asked, Marcus was sick and that's why he didn't show up.

I didn't really think about it during the school day because I was focusing on my classes. I was a nerd like Chase like that. 'They should know' I thought to myself even though I couldn't tell them. I walked out of health class with Adam and Chase with baby dolls. We each had to watch one for the night. I knew that I was one that was going to get the highest score. It was either going to be me or Chase, but I knew it was going to be me.

Bree and Leo looked at us. Leo looked at me strangely, but I ignored it because it was mainly because of Marcus.

"Hey guys..." Chase said to them

"Chase...have you been stealing from five year old girls again?" Leo asked and Adam nodded his head.

"You've stolen from five year olds?" I asked Chase.

"No." He said to me and I smiled a little before looking at Leo. "It's for health class. Each of us has to babysit a robo-baby for the night." Chase's baby started to cry. "Are you hungry? Yes you are my snookie, wookie, pookie." He said to the baby as he sat on the other side of Bree. He took out the bottle that we all got for the babies.

"Just when we thought he couldn't get any creepier." Bree said and I smiled a little.

"They cry when they are tired or hungry...almost like a real baby." I said to Bree.

"I have to take care of him because if I don't, I'll lose a point. Which of course, I haven't." Chase said to Bree as he lifted up the shirt to show his perfect score. "And I won't because I've downloaded every baby care book available. I even know how to rescue a baby out of an alligator's mouth. It happens more often than you think." I nodded my head in agreement before my baby started to cry.

"Is little Rose hungry?" I asked my doll before getting the bottle the teacher gave us.

"You named your doll?" Bree asked me.

"Yeah." I said with a small smile as I fake fed Rose. "After one of my favorite characters from the Modern Doctor Who series."

"You watch Doctor Who?" Chase asked.

"Of course I do." I said. "It's only the best sci-fy show ever made."

"Nerd." Leo said, faking a cough. I rolled my eyes before Bree turned to Adam.

"So, where's your baby. Lost it already?" Bree asked him.

"Haha...no." Adam fake laughed. "Do you really think I'm that irresponsible?" He asked before holding up his bookbag. "It's in here. I named him 'shut your cryhole' that way when I say his name, he'll know to stop crying."

"You keep your baby in a book bag?" Leo asked Adam.

"Yeah, it's super toasty, books to read if he's bored, and it's totally safe." Adam pulled his baby out of his bag. There was a bunch of different small things stuck to the head. "Oh...you found my gum." He took the gum and started to chew it. He took something out his mouth. "And a penny."

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