Mission: Space

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~ I'm working on the fourth chapter for this story, which will be posted to my fanficton account before this. I'm also working on one of my Original stories which I hope will be on this site in a few months (: 

~ I hope someone tells me what they think of this story so far and what they would hope to see. I like it, even if it's just about something small (:


General POV

Dani was in her dad's lab, practicing her bionics. She wanted to use them and she knew she wasn't allowed to use them at school. There wasn't really many opportunities to use her bionics at school, even though she almost always used her Molecular Kinesis...but she just called it Telekinesis. She used her telekinesis to lift a piece of metal that was laying on the ground at hold it in the air. It stayed in the air as she shot purple lasers from her eyes. She hit the piece of metal right in the middle and made a perfect small circle. To her surprise the piece of metal flew into the wall. There was a minute where she thought it could be from a glitch, but then she turned around and saw Marcus. She just rolled her eyes at him before he walked out of the lab. Marcus would mess around with Dani once and a while and she's grown used to it.

The two of them walked upstairs. Dani used her super speed to grab her backpack, push Marcus into the couch and get out of the house before he could catch her.


Dani got to the school before Marcus did, but waited for him outside. He walked towards her to see that she was smirking.

"Relax, no one found out." She said, acting like her dad. "Besides, you knew it was coming." He didn't say anything as he walked into the school with Dani following him.

They were going to walk to their classes before hearing something.

"M-dog, De-dee." They turned to see Adam, Bree, and Chase standing near the stairs with Leo. Dani and Marcus walked towards them and all hugged. Dani was happy that she was hugging her siblings, but didn't say anything out loud.

"Wait, hold the phone." Leo said as he broke up the hug. "Hold the freakin freaky-deaky phone." He stood between Dani and Chase. "M-dog? De-dee?" He asked Adam, Bree, and Chase.

"Yeah...bros call each other by nicknames." Chase said to Leo as he looked at Dani and Marcus.

"Well, I'm your actual bro and you don't call me by a nickname." Leo said to Chase. "Besides...Dani's a girl."

"I'll try not to be offended." Dani said to Leo.

"She deserves a nickname to." Bree said, defending Dani. Dani looked at Bree with a small smile.

"Well, you still don't call me by a nickname." Leo said.

"Actually we do, we just choose not to do in in your presence..." Adam said before leaning towards Leo. "Mr. Tiny McLittlesteen." He said in a whisper, but loud enough for the others to hear. Everyone laughed except for Leo, who wasn't amused.

"Hey, what you you two up to this weekend?" Chase asked Dani and Marcus.

"Our dad's going out of town so we'll be stuck home alone with our grandma." Marcus said to him.

"Ah ha!" Leo said as he pointed at Marcus. "You said your grandma was dead."

"Everyone has two grandmas..." Dani said to Leo.

"...thanks for reminding me." Marcus said, pretending to be sad. Dani patted Marcus's back, but didn't say anything. "I wish we could stay with you guys this weekend."

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