Talent Show

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Danielle's POV

I've been getting used to being with my siblings. There was a different training schedule and I didn't go on any missions with them, but I really liked being with them. At the same time I missed my brother and my dad. It was hard being without them after my whole life. 'Dad is still alive' I thought to myself at least once a day and more when I was working on repairing Marcus.

I woke up before everyone else one morning before school, so I wrote them a note. 'Went for a walk. Meet you at school' I made sure I had my school stuff and speed to my old house. In a way, being in the house by myself was nice...sort of. I was able to do whatever I wanted, but it made me miss my dad and Marcus even more. I brought food with me as I went down to the lab to do some work on Marcus.
"I wish you could hear me." I said in a whisper as I looked at him. There was a few cuts on his face, but you could see the a lot of the robotic components of him. I took a few bites of my food as I began to work on him.

If it wasn't for the alarm I put on my phone, I would have been late for school. Most of the time when I work on things, I lose track of time. It didn't matter if I left a mess since I was the only one using the house. I used super-speed to get to school and arrived just before the others.
"I thought you were going to be late." Bree said when I came into the school.
"I'm never late for school..." I said "...even when I'm sick."
"Nerd." Leo said in a cough and I shook my head at him. I was about to say something when Chase came up to us.
"Did you guys see the yearbook?" He asked us as he held it open. "Everybody got a 'most likely to..' even Leo."
"Really?" I said and peeked over Chase's shoulder at the yearbook.
"What? Let me see that." Leo said an took the yearbook from Chase. "Most likely never to get a most likely...I'm on the board." Leo read off the page.
"Well, that proves it. I'm completely invisible at this school." Chase said and I sighed.
"Chase, that's not true." Adam said. "If you were invisible I couldn't do this." I smiled a little when Adam hit Chase.
"Chase, just because you weren't nominated, doesn't mean you're not invisible." Bree said.
"Oh, really?" Chase took the yearbook back from Leo and opened it. "What's this?" He pointed to a picture. "Chip Davenport. I'm a misnamed question mark." I stopped myself from laughing because I found it a little funny.
"Be proud you're even in it." I said to them. "I started too late to be in it."
"There's always next year." Bree said, trying to comfort me. I gave her a small smile.
"Listen up snot-buckets." Perry said before I could say anything to my sister. "Don't forget to sign up for the annual Mission Creek High Talent Show. Auditions are after school and will be judged by moi." 'No chance for anyone to win' I think to myself. "Chances are that if I don't like you, you won't get through, and I don't like any of you...so good luck." I watched Perry put the sign-up sheet and thought about signing up. 'I'm a pretty good singer' I think, remembering all the times I would play with Marcus. I step up to the sheet and look at it.
"Talent shows are wrong. There are no winners or losers in creative expression." I heard Owen say. 'Bree's current boyfriend' I turn towards them.
"Stick a paint brush in it Emo Sabe!" Perry said before walking into the lunchroom.
"I refuse to stand by while that woman crushes the artistic souls of our student body. I'm gonna go sketch my feelings." Owen said before walking away. I watched my sister watch him with dreamy eyes.
"He is so tortured. Isn't it great?" Bree walked in his direction.

I turn back to the sheet and start to dig out a pen from my backpack.
"This talent show is the perfect opportunity for me to build my fanbase." Leo said.
"Leo...you don't have a fanbase." I say as I write my name down.
"That's why I need to build one...with magic." I look at Leo when I turn back towards them.
"Well, that is what it would take." My twin said and I had to hold back a laugh.
"No. I got a magic kit and I've been practicing specifically for the competition." I step closer to Leo.
"No offence, but aren't magic kits kinda lame?" I ask Leo.
"There is nothing lame about buying something off the internet to make friends." I shake my head as Leo pulled out a card deck. "Dani, pick a card."
"Really?" I ask him.
"Please?" He asked, then I gave him a small smile. I pick a random card. After memorizing it, I put it back in the deck. "Hey, what's in your hair?" Leo asked. He brushed his hand behind my ear, brushing some hair at the same time. I had to hold back a blush because it was the closest we've been. He took his hand away. "Bam!" I smile when it was my card. "See? Magic." He says to Chase.
"You know what my problem is? All of my talents are bionic and I can't reveal them at school." Chase said to us.
"I've used bionics tons of times in school." I quietly tell them. "They key is not to get caught and make it look normal."
"Aww...bionic people problems." Leo said and I lightly shake my head.
"Hey...give me those cards." Chase said to Leo and I shake my head.
"I'm walking away before this gets sad." I say and walk to the school library.
I tried to think of what I could do for the talent show, then I remembered I was able to save one of Marcus's guitars. 'He would kill me if I used it' I think, but wanted to use it anyway. I waited until lunch and sped to the house to grab it before returning. When I got back to school I saw Bree looking at me.
"No one saw me." I said in my defense before she could say anything about using bionics at school.
"Where'd you get that?" She asked as she pointed to the guitar.
"It is...was Marcus's." I said and she gave me a sad look. "Despite what he said, I'm actually good at playing it." I give a small smile before strapping it to my back and going to lunch.

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