Bionic Showdown

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Danielle's POV

It felt like forever since I talked to my siblings. In reality it was only a week. My dad told the school I was sick, which wasn't true. I didn't know what to say to them. They knew I was bionic, but when they would ask how...I would have to tell them about our dad. I knew that they wouldn't believe me because to them Donald was their dad. It made me all confused.

Marcus brought my homework home for me so I could still work on it. He would tell me what goes on at school so then I would be up to speed. I didn't tell him or dad about my invisibility though. It felt like time was going slow because the next thing I knew, it was the end of the week.

I was in the lab with Marcus in the morning. He was sitting on a chair, using one of our newer tablets to spy on the others. I stopped training to watch over his shoulder.
"Their whole team is falling apart." Marcus said and I just shook my head. "I love it."
"Sometime I don't think we're related." I said to Marcus before our dad came into the lab.
"Dani, you have to go to school." He said to me and I just looked at him.
"Do I have to?" I asked and he looked at me weirdly.
"Why don't you want to?" He asked and I thought about telling him, but I shook my head.
"I'll go." I said. "Just after a shower." I used superspeed to go to the bathroom to take a shower.

I walked into school with my hair still wet. I had my headphones in my ears playing the song Paranoid by The Jonas Brothers. They weren't exactly the most popular band anymore, but I still liked their music. I didn't have it too loud because of my bionic hearing. As I walked to my locker, I could see Leo and the others out the corner of my eyes. I didn't say anything to them as I opened my locker. As I was making sure I had my morning books, Leo stood at my side.
"Hey..." He said as I took a earbud out. "How come you've been avoiding us?" I just shrugged.
"I don't know." I whispered. There was a pause. "In that alternate world you were in...was there anything else about me?" He opened his mouth to say something, but then the school bell rang. "I guess later then." I said before turning off my music and walking to my first class.

I could hear the others talk about me through the day. They wondered about my bionics, what abilities I had, how I got them and a whole bunch of other stuff. I managed to get out of school early, which let me avoid them more. I knew I had to talk to them, but I think I was just scared.

When I got home, I walked into the house and saw my dad walking up from the lab.
"How was school?" He asked me and I just shrugged. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I said, lying to him. "I just wasn't in that good of a mood to enjoy school."
"I got you something." He got a small box from a cabinet. "Happy Birthday."
"It's not for another few months." I said and took the box. I opened it and saw that it was my favorite TV show. "Doctor Who series four." I said with a smile. "I already have this."
"Not on blu-ray." He said and I smiled.
"Thanks dad."
"There is another gift in your room." I hugged him and then went up to my room. In my room there was also a stuffed Dalek, which added to my collection of Doctor Who stuff.

I did my homework first, even though I was very tempted to watch what my dad got me. I snacked on some cookies I had while I did my work. Almost every time I worked on homework, read a book or had a marathon, I always snacked.

When I was eventually done with my homework, I decided I was going to watch Doctor Who. I looked for my tablet, but realized it was still in the lab. I walked down to the lab to see my dad and Donald. My dad's back was towards me so he didn't see me. Donald looked at me and my dad was about to turn around, but I quickly turned invisible. My dad turned around and looked right through me. It made me glad that I didn't tell him or Marcus that I could turn invisible. He just looked back at Donald and I stood to watch them There was a beep and we all looked at the computer.
"There they are, right on schedule." My dad said because Adam, Bree, and Chase were on the screen.
"You are not going anywhere near Adam, Bree, and Chase." Donald said to my dad.
"I don't have to." He said. "Once they learn you're here, they'll be coming to me." My dad said with a little chuckle before leaving the room.
"Dani?" Donald asked and I became visible after taking a deep breath. "You're my brother's daughter?" I nodded my head. It looked like he did some thinking. "You're Chase's twin." He whispered, like he didn't believe it. "I didn't know..."
"Didn't know what?" I asked him, wanting to know what he was thinking.
"I didn't know where you were. I would have brought you with me when I took the others." I opened my mouth to say something, but then closed it.
"I was here, in the lab getting my chip implanted when you took my siblings." I paused. "Is that why you didn't take me? Just because you couldn't find me?" He opened his mouth to answer, but I turned invisible because I could hear footsteps with my bionic hearing.

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