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Danielle's POV

I have loved the time with my siblings. It made me miss Marcus and my dad more thought. I spent my whole life with them and it felt different without them. My work on repairing Marcus was making slow progress because I did my best for the others not to know. I felt bad about lying to them, but I knew what they would say.
I was training with my siblings in the simulator. Chase and I worked really well as a team since we have a lot of the same abilities.
"Dani!" I hear Chase shout. "Duck." I ducked and saw him use a force field ball to get the ninja that was behind me.
"Thanks." I say to him with a smile and speed next to him, kicking the ninja that was about to attack him. "You're welcome." I said with a smile to him. We helped each other for a couple more minutes before we all stopped training.
"That was good." Uncle Donald said to us. "You could actually teach them a few things..." He said to me.
"Girls can't fight..." Adam said. I sped behind him, holding his arm behind him so it hurt a little. 'Uncle, uncle..." He said and I let go with a small smile.
"Girls can fight." Bree said for me and we high-fived each other. I start walking to the elevator to go upstairs for a shower, but the mission alert sound went off. I groan.
"There's a Tropical storm that's going to hit an island." Donald said, not saying much more. I watched my siblings go to their capsules. "There's a present for you in your capsule." Donald said to me. Out of curiosity, I went in my capsule. When I stepped out, I was wearing a mission suit similar to Bree's.
"About time." Bree says to me with a smile.
"So I can go on a mission?" I ask and Donald nodded. I smile and they gave me the short version of rules before we went on the mission.
I mainly stood near Chase when I wasn't protecting people. It was okay for my first mission I guess. Adam and Bree did most of the work. Chase mainly told us what to do, but I was okay with it. The four of us quickly did what Donald wanted us to do.

When the storm was over, I looked for Adam. I saw him trying to put a pelican in his pack.
"Adam..." I said as I went over to him. "...why are you trying to bring a pelican back?" I ask.
"Tom and I are very close." He held the pelican close and it started to peck at him.
"Okay..." I said and lightly shook my head. "But do you really think Donald will let you keep him?" I ask.
"Guys, come on..." Bree shouts to us.
"Why not take them?" I ask and point to a pile of coconuts.
"Oh, hairy fruit." Adam said with a smile and packed a bunch as I made sure I had my things.
Adam and Bree were the first two to walk back into a lab.
"You guys were great out there." Donald said and I felt like he was saying that mainly to them. "I think we can all agree that strength plus speed equals success." Donald said to Adam and Bree.
"What about us?" I asked.
"Yeah, we all know the real work happens up here..." Chase pointed to his head as I went into my capsule.
"I even brought you back a bag of hairy fruit." Adam said to Donald. I could hear Chase sigh.
"Just be glad I convinced him to put the pelican back." I said before. The capsule changed my clothes. I stepped out in pajamas.
"Your brains are no match for our hustle and muscle." Bree said to Chase.
"Oh, that's a great team name." Donald said. "Hustle, muscle...and Chusle..." He looked at Chase and saw me. "Don't worry, we'll find you two an ustle..."
"I'm so tired if these two getting all the attention because they have super speed and super strength. I never get any of the credit." Chase says to Donald.
"That's not true Chase..." I say to him.
"They just have a lot of flash." Donald said. "..but you're the flash that holds that flash together...you're flash glue."
"I'm flash glue?" Chase asked as I looked at Adam.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"You're right Chase...the real work does happen up here." We watched Adam hit the coconut on his head, which broke it.
"Okay...I don't know about you, but I'm getting something to eat, taking a shower and going to bed." I said before leaving the lab.
In the morning I got up extra early and did some more work on Marcus. I was getting close, I could feel it. I didn't work on him long though because I knew when the others would be up.
"I'll see you later Marcus." I said to him before I left, even though I knew he couldn't hear me.
On the way back, I stopped and got everyone drinks and doughnuts. They might not ask where I was if I brought them stuff.
"I got doughnuts." I said as I walked in.
"Oh, doughnuts!" Adam said and took them.
"Careful..." I said because I had the drinks in the other hand.
"That's where you were..." Chase said and I nodded.
"Coffee and doughnuts for us kids." I said as I held the drinks towards Bree, who had first choice.
"No coffee for me." Chase said.
"Then more for me..." I said as Bree gave a drink to Adam.
"Can you guys come to the lab...I want to show you something." Donald said to us.
After we all got to the lab and Leo joined us, Donald showed us what he was working on.
"Say hello to my newest invention, the chryoblaster." Donald held what looked like a gun in his hand. "This thing can freeze anything in a nanosecond." I smiled a little when Leo did a fake clap.
"Congratulations Big D...you invented Ice." I took a bite from my doughnut as Donald rolled his eyes.
"No...I invented a way for astronauts to travel to distant galaxies in suspended animation." Donald defended himself.
"Which is a fancy way of saying ice." I said. "You're a little late..." He looked at me, a little confused. "My dad and I made one a few years ago..." He looked at me for a little bit before looking at the others.
"Let me just give you a demonstration." Donald said. "Step back because it freezes everything it touches." We all got away from the cyberdesk and watched him use the chryoblaster on Adam's drink.
"Can someone please tell this dude he's making ice?" Leo asked and I smiled a little.
"Every space program is going to want one of these." Donald said. "I just need the element to fuel them...Citanium." We all gathered around the cyber desk and watched him pull up a map. "I'm sending you on a mission to the most remote part of Antarctica." 'So he's sending us on an errand...' I think to myself.
"As opposed to bustling downtown Antarctica?" Bree asked.
"That's where are the penguins live..." I said to Bree.
"Don't worry Mr. Davenport...we've been to way worse places than Antarctica." Chase said.
"Remember Bakersfield?" Adam asked and they all shivered. I didn't know what they were talking about so it must have been before I started to live with them.
"Look, with your bionics you can swoop in and..." There was an alarm from the cyber desk "..oh, no..there's a massive storm heading into the same location as the citanium."
"So, who cares?" I asked, knowing we could be in and out in no time.
"Yeah, we just dealt with a storm." Chase added on.
"No, it's too dangerous." Donald said. "This is a category five...it's much more dangerous." I could see him get worried. "I can't believe this...I'm going to have to call off the mission."
"There's plenty of time before the eye of the storm hits..." Chase said.
"I agree." I add.
"It's not worth the risk." Donald closed the map. "I just hope the storm doesn't collapse the glacier." I watched as he started to walk away. Donald turned towards Chase.
"But if that happens, you'll lose the Citanium forever..."
"I know." Donald said before leaving the lab.
"But we can do this..." Chase said to our siblings and I nodded my head in agreement.
"Stand down flash glue." Bree said to Chase. "You heard the man. No one's going, not even hustle and muscle." I look at Adam and I shake my head.
"Yeah, and muscle could use some help." Adam's tongue was stuck on the ice block.
"Adam..." I sigh "...go, right...here." I said as I moved him. I stepped back and melted the ice with my laser eyes.
"Aww..." Adam pouted.
"At least your tongue is free..." I pointed out.

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