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~Danielle's POV~

They kept trying to talk to me, to apologize, but I wouldn't talk back. I didn't want to talk to them after what Chase did. If it wasn't for him, or Donald...I'd have my father back. I didn't even eat dinner because I didn't want to be near them.

That night, I couldn't sleep. I decided to take a few clothes and my school stuff and sneak out. I went straight to my old house, where I was secretly repairing Marcus. My stuff went in the living room, hidden behind the couch. I got some stuff from the bedrooms and made a bed on the couch. 'Tomorrow there is no school, so I'll repair my capsule.' I think to myself before trying to sleep.
A few days later, I woke up, only having maybe a few hours of sleep. I decided to check my phone and see all the texts and missed calls from the others. A part of me thought about replying, but I didn't. I had some breakfast and went into the lab to work on my capsule. 'One day not repairing Marcus won't hurt' I think to myself, hoping it was true.
I worked for a few hours before needing to take a break. I walked through the house and saw my old room. There were pictures of my dad and Marcus, which made me close my eyes.
"I miss you..." I whisper and start to tear up. I stop when I heard a noise. 'Who...?' I ask myself and turn invisible. I slowly walk out of my room and down the stairs.
"Dani?" I hear a familiar voice ask. "We know you're here..." I saw Chase, but I didn't say anything. "Please come back home, we miss you."
"I am home." I said. He looked around the living room because I was still invisible. "You should go home."
"Not without you." He said.
"I'm not going back. So either you can leave or I can push you out." I said and he sighed.
"I just wanted to say sorry." Chase said before leaving. He closed the door behind him. I turned back visible and stepped towards the door. '...If only you didn't freeze dad' I think to myself. I could hear Marcus's voice in my head telling me I was being childish.
I went back to the lab and worked on my capsule. There wasn't much to be done because I used my super speed to make the work go quicker. I couldn't help but wounded what my dad and Marcus would say about how I was acting. I sigh and and continue working.
After another few hours, I decide to take another break from my capsule. 'It's done anyway' I think to myself. I order some pizza and wait. My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was another text from Chase. He wants to talk but I didn't reply. I sat on the couch and started to watch Funeral Mishaps.

Funeral Mishaps made me think of both Marcus and Leo. They both love the show. 'I wonder how Leo's doing' I think to myself. I hear the doorbell ring and it made me jump. 'I must have zoned out' I think to myself before getting up. When I answered the door, I was a little shocked.
"That will be $16.38..." He looked up "...Dani?"
"What are you doing as a pizza delivery man?" I ask Adam.
"I needed money..." He told me.
"Why not ask Donald?" I asked, trying to keep my voice the same when I said his name.
"I'm a clone." I looked at him confused. "Adam made a bunch of us because he didn't want to go to school. Then that one made another one because he didn't want to school..."
"And a bunch of clones later, no one still wanted to go to school?" I guess as he finally handed me the pizza. I put the pizza down and look at Adam.
"I guess I'll bring you back..." I held his hand and without permission, used super speed to bring him back to the other house.
I stood in front of the house and rang the doorbell. I didn't want to go inside.
"You have a key..." Adam said to me, but I didn't answer. The door opened and it was Chase.
"Missing something?" I ask as I lightly push the clone towards him.
"Dani!" I hear Bree from behind Chase.
"I'm not staying." I say and look at Chase before going back to my house.
After I got full on the pizza and breadsticks I ordered, I took a nap before going to work on Marcus some more. The hardest part for me repairing him was the skin grafts. I didn't know how my dad was able to make it look and feel so real. His ears were difficult, so I decided to let those be. 'When I get him working, he can always wear a hat' I think to myself before working on all the gears. They needed to be newer than what there was. 'This is easy' I think to myself and swore I saw his fingers move. 'I'm just seeing things' I think before working more on the gears.
After a hour I could feel myself getting tired. I decided to drink one of the cans of Monster that my dad still had to give me some energy as I worked on Marcus's neck and head. It's where I discovered my dad had the computing systems for Marcus. 'This should be relatively easy' I think to myself. It felt weird seeing the insides of my brother like this, but I wanted him back. 'I wonder how my dad made him' I think to myself as I sparked something and saw his hand move. 'I wasn't seeing things this time' I think to myself, knowing it moved.
"It shouldn't be long." I said to him, hoping that I was close enough and he could hear me. "I have to repair you." I said out loud. "You're my brother and I miss you. Remember when we were five and you wanted a puppy? That's when Dad got you a fish instead." I smile. "You threw a tantrum and destroyed the couch with your eyes." I couldn't help but chuckle. "He grounded you to the lab for a week. Then he got us a cat..."
"I...hate...cats." I stop and knew he was speaking.
"Marcus?" I smile. "Talk again..." I worked on a little bit.
"I hate...cats." There was a little bit of a pause, but I was excited.
"Let me just to a little more..." I mutter and do a few more things. I move around so I was in front of Marcus. 'It looks like he's good...' I think as I start to wave my hand in front of his face.
"Dani...what are you doing?" He asked and I smiled.
"Just making sure you're working." I said as I teared up. "You're working." I hug him, trying not to be tight. I didn't want anything to pop out of him.
"You re-built me?" I nod my head as I break the hug.
"To make up for not saving you." I said. "And because you're my brother and I love you."
"And dad?" I shrug.
"I don't know where he is."
"So he left you to?" I shake my head.
"No. Chase froze him and Donald put him somewhere. I don't know where." I pause. "That was a few days ago. I've been living here since."
"By yourself?"
"Not by myself. I've had you." I smile at Marcus, still not believing I got him to work again.
"As long as you weren't staying here with Leo." I can't help but keep smiling and roll my eyes.
"Just because I have a crush on him..."
"So you admit you like him."
"Yes, I like Leo, okay?" I say to Marcus.
"I knew it." He smiled and I would playfully slap him, but I don't know what would happen if I did. " long will I work?" He asked, which changed the mood.
"I don't know." I said. "I was so focused on getting my capsule working and getting you back, I didn't even think about the longevity of you being back. You should be back for a while..." I said.
"But the last thing you made..."
"Would have worked longer if you didn't break it." I point out. "You broke most of the toys in the house." I told Marcus. 'My dad and I called our inventions toys' I think to myself. I yawn.
"You tired yourself out again?" Marcus asked me and I nodded.
"You know how I get..."
"Crazy, childish..." I roll my eyes "...slow..."
"Whatever..." I said as I drank some more Monster. "The last time I checked, I beat you in a race." I added.
"Because I let you win." I shake my head and saw a spark come from Marcus. "Let me check something..." I said and got Marcus into his charging capsule. "Stay still." I said and glared at him. I went over to the computer and tried to get it to show me what was wrong.
"Don't blow me up." Marcus said.
"Shut up." I said as I kept my eyes on the computer. It said something about his left hand overheating. 'How does that happen?' I ask myself. 'He's only been back for a few minutes...' I take a deep breath and try to look for something else.
I could have looked for hours, maybe days and find the same thing. I sighed, wishing the computer was wrong. Marcus got out of the charging capsule and I looked at him.
"According to the only have a few hours..." I slowly say, trying to be strong.
"Am I gonna blow up or something?" He asked and I knew he was joking. I opened my mouth to answer, but I looked down. "I'm going to blow up..." He said and I nodded, trying not to look at him.
"I'm sorry..." I said "...I didn't think you would blow up and I just wanted to have you back..."
"It's okay." He said, which really surprised me " know, by being older than you...
"By six months..." I interrupted.
"...I am able to give you advice..."
"Since when?" I asked and Marcus gave me a look. "Continue."
"...Don't be like dad." I looked at Marcus with a little bit of confusion. "He hated our uncle over one little thing and look what happened." I started to think of how my dad hated Donald for kicking him out of Davenport Industries. "Don't hate Chase and go down the same path..."
"I don't hate..." I pause when Marcus raised his eyebrow. "...okay, maybe a little bit, but this is different than what happened to them." I pause. "Can't we just spend your last hours having fun?" I ask, knowing I probably couldn't be able permanently fix him.
"Okay." Marcus said and I hugged him.
It was getting near the time Marcus would go and I didn't want to think about it. I had stuff in the car and had it parked on the street.
"I'm really going to miss you Marcus..." I say to him, trying not to cry.
"Hey Dani?" I look at Marcus. "If we're being honest, I think you and Leo could be good together." I smiled. "Even if I think he's a pipsqueak."
"And there it is." I said and couldn't help but hug him. I start crying, not wanting to lose him again.
"'s okay." He whispered as he hugged me back. "I love you."
"I love you to Marcus."
"Do me a favor?" He asked as I look at him.
"Move back in with our uncle." I opened my mouth to say something. "You shouldn't be alone."
"And you shouldn't be like this..." I start to say and Marcus stopped me.
"It's okay..." I shake my head. "'s okay." I smile and hug Marcus again.
"One last selfie?" I ask and Marcus nodded. I got my phone out and took a picture with Marcus. When he wasn't looking, I took another one as I gave him bunny ears.
"I saw that." Marcus said and I smiled. "I want you to have my guitar...if you didn't take it already." I nod my head before he started to spark.
"I will never forget you Marcus." I smile as I fight the tears.
"I won't forget you either." Marcus smiled at me before more sparks showed. I wanted to stay, but I also didn't want to see Marcus explode.
"I'll see you again." I said before speeding out of the house.
As I stand on the sidewalk, looking back at the house, I could hear the explosion. I close my eyes and try not to cry. It sounded like the house imploded and I fell to my knees and cried. Not only was my childhood house destroyed, my brother was gone. After I felt like I was cried out, I slowly drove back to my uncle's house.
I walked right in and Adam was the first to hug me.
"I knew you'd be back." He said and lifted me as he hugged me. "The others are sleeping."
"Could you set me down?" I quietly ask. "I just want to sleep."
"Yeah..." He gave me a small smile. I start to walk towards the steps before stopping.
"I love you Adam." I said to my brother before going to my room.

I go to my room and fall onto my bed. I hold my Dalek plushie close to my body and try to sleep.

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