Chapter Ten: Coming Home

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{Done Editing}


This was really happening. I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't so I turned around instead so my back was facing him, and I was only vaguely aware of Jason stifling a laugh.

"Just kidding, Sky." I heard him say. Screw him. I walked up to him, and slapped him upside the head.

"I'm so happy your back! And if you ever scare me like that again, your dead! Why didn't you tell me it was a joke?" I asked, relieved.

"Because I thought Jason's face said it all, anyway out of curiosity, why is Harry here?" And all of a sudden four pairs of eyes were on Harry.

"Because-" Harry started but I cut him off.

"Because he helped me get here as soon as possible." I said looking at Harry. I guess he got the memo. I didn't tell my parents about Harry because I thought that if I didn't talk about him, I would forget about him,  but  of couse now he's back. I decided to go back to the topic of my brother.

"How in the world did this all happen, Dylan?" I said concerned.

"Didn't the nurse tell you?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"I would rather hear it from you."

{Harry's P.O.V.}

"Fine, two days ago I was driving home with Jason, coming back from football practice, and this crazy driver ran a red light and hit the side of my car. I went spinning shortly and stopped. I was knocked because of impact and then I don't know what happened..." He said looking at Jason to continue.

"Then I yelled at the driver and he apologized, paid for the insurance and left. I called his parents and then took him to the hospital. we've been here ever since." Jason said letting out a yawn.

"Please, dad, Jason go home and rest. Harry and I will watch over Dylan while you two catch up on your sleep." Skyler said enthusiastically. I was going to give her a look saying do I have to? but instead I was smart.

"Yeah, and since he gets released in a few hours, we can take him home." I said looking at both Skyler and her parent. Skyler looked super happy and but her father gave me a slightly disapproving look. Her father looked like he was going to say something but Jason cut him off.

"That would great! Thanks, man," he said politely. They all left  so we waited in the room. It got awkward for me but Skyler and her brother wouldn't stop talking. I started to let my thoughts take over. I had to figure out; Do I fancy Skyler and does she fancy me too? I think, I think I do like Skyler. But I want to plan another date. Park did that, beach, too cold, the amusement park! I need the lads help though. I was smiling from ear to ear.

"Um, Harry?" Sky said. I immediately turned to her and nodded.

"Why are you smiling like and idiot?" She said half laughing half smiling.

"Oh. Um...I...just realized it's my birthday soon!" I said nervously. Wow it is my birthday soon. Today was January 14, it had been two weeks since we meet and since Skyler's birthday. The funny part is that she was born exactly one month before me. 

She continued speaking to her brother until she got tired and soon fell asleep on my shoulder. Dylan and I actually started talking.

"So how do you know me, other than the fact that i'm famous?" I asked

"Well, Skyler told me about you and about that dumb promise- um..the prom at her school..." He said trying to cover his tracks.

"Your even worse than me at excuses. I know about the promise, and I wanna break it. you've known Sky longer than me so you know how much she loves music. I just wanna bring music back to her life. And I really like her...can you help me Dylan?" I said worried he'd say no.

"Yeah, why not." He said and slowly Sky was waking up. I realized it was already 4:00pm so we had to drive Dylan home.

Then Skyler drove around LA,  decideding to show me around L.A. and then we went home. On the plane ride she feel asleep on my shoulder and I feel asleep too. by now we were at the front of the apartment room about to knock but Skyler was saying something.

"Harry, thanks so much for taking me to see my brother and being there with me. I know my dad can be tough and-" She was saying but I pressed my lips against hers. Again it was a soft kiss, a your welcome kiss. Sadly, the door opened to see five people going aww. We both pulled apart and hurried inside.

{Skyler's P.O.V.}

"How was it is Dylan ok? Is he still hot?" Emma asked. She always had a crush on him but small. I could see Zayn roll his eyes.

"Yes, he's fine. I'm hungry." I said whining.

"Your always hungry!" Haley and Emma said in unison. We all laughed.


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