Monthly Manga Review

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Chapter 272

There are only forty seconds left till the end of the match, there is only a seven point deference with Rakuzan on the lead, and everyone is attacking at full force! And then something bad happened, Mayuzumi and Kotarou were double teaming Kagami. He, not having enough stamina left, cannot get past the two and Izuki can’t pass the ball to anyone.

But then Seirin’s savior, Kioshi, manages to get past Eikichi. Then Izuki passes to Kyoshi, who passes to Hyuga, who is going to shoot… No wait, who passes to Kagami who made a three.

Of course no one lets their guard down and Seirin is going to “RISK IT ALL”.

And then after a long long long long long time, it’s now Izuki’s time to shine! He uses his eagle eye ability and gets the ball from Rakuzan. You can see everyone’s reaction being “WTF IS GOIN ON HERE”. And then there are only eight seconds left…


Chapter 273

Eight seconds left and Izuki has the ball. With Kagami being again marked by Mayuzumi (it may be Akashi, they have the same hair) and Kotarou, he passes the ball to Hyuga. Then right at that moment, Hyuga does his smart megane thing and doen’t shoot right away, which was exactly what the other shooters thought, including Reo, but waited and then made the shoot.

Three points for Seirin, one point difference!

Seirin is like “YES CAPTAIN WOOP WOOP”

And Rakuzan is like “What…The…Hell…”

This time Seirin is going to do the same thing they did in their match against Too, that means that they’ll miss on purpose and take the rebound.

After some quick flashbacks, Hyuga shoots and then next chapter.

Chapter 274

…And Kyoshi takes the rebound! And everyone is yelling!

And then the ball goes to the guy that, even though he is the main character, we see him less than anyone else, Kuroko. He has the ball, he holds the ball, but then Akashi jumps and blocks Kuroko and screams that it’s Kuroko’s loss. And then Kuroko says that he is the shadow that has overcome the light.

Kuroko doesn’t need a light. He is an independent shadow!


Kuroko shoots, or rather passes the ball to Kagami who makes a dunk.

And with one point difference  Seirin has won

I’m sure noooooo one expected that….yup

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