1. So What

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Mr. Brightside - The Killers

Goodbye To You - The Veronicas

So What - Pink

Zari Davis froze in her tracks and leaned in. Throaty moans, heavy breathing, and rhythmic grunts came from the other side of Perry's office door. Maybe he was rearranging furniture. No, he wouldn't do that. He wasn't into physical labor. Could be members of the cleaning crew moving things. She'd seen their van parked on the street. But then again, there'd been no sign of them when she got off the elevator.

She stepped closer and listened harder. Half those noises came from a female, and they sounded more like sex than decorating. Her brain throbbed with indecision. Perry's car was parked out front, but he wouldn't have a woman in there. Would he? No. Of course not.

Zari cleared the thoughts from her head, took another step closer, and listened again. She'd never had sex in an office but admitted it appealed to her. Later, when she told Perry about this, maybe he'd get turned on and suggest they do it. Who was she kidding? In the seven months, they'd been together, he'd never proposed anything remotely wild. He wasn't a risk taker. At least not in the bedroom. For that reason, the pair on the other side of the door had to be strangers. No need to embarrass them, not to mention herself, because she'd be mortified to confront a couple in the act.

With a deep breath, she commanded her feet to ease back down the hall. Rising to her tiptoes, she took one step backward, as the female half of the lovers spoke in a breathy cooing tone.

"Perry. You've got to stop traveling so much. Two weeks is too long to go without you."

Bile rose in Zari's throat. What were the chances of another man named Perry doing it in Perry's office? A man who traveled abroad each month? Wait. Perry hadn't been gone. He wasn't leaving until... tomorrow. None of this made sense.

"Damn, Bethany, you make me come so hard. Starting next month, I'm cutting my travel time down to a week."

It was Perry. Her Perry. Then it hit her like a truck. He'd been juggling her with Bethany. She's as stupid as I am. When she thinks he's out of town, he's with me. And vice-versa.

Zari clamped her hand over her mouth to stop from heaving. That son-of-a-bitch-low-life-cheating-scum-bag-excuse-for-a-man. The screams of their mutual orgasm knocked the thought from her brain, and then Scumbag spoke.

"I'm glad. With you gone so often, this past year has been difficult."

Zari clutched the briefcase she was holding until her fingers numbed, forcing herself to peer around the corner. A flash of butt cheek and she backed up against the wall, out of sight. What an idiot she'd been! When she'd noticed it on the coffee table, thinking he might need it, she'd jumped in her car and rushed to his office.

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