Memories Oh Sweet Memories (The Funeral)

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Shilo stood there, starring at the coffin. With a blank expression, almost like she's concealing the emotions but inside she's yelling and screaming to let it out.

"I can't believe my wish came true, he's actually dead. Hey maybe The Repo Ma-" Amber was kidding and was cut off by a punch, she expected to see GraveRobber but the hand felt unmale like, it felt feminine. It struck her. The hand was Shilo's. "What you do that for?" She rubbed her cheek. Which didn't bruise as easy as her original face.

"You disrespectful little brat, You may get away with it with Rotti, but not me. Especially when my son is the one being disrespected. So back up. Shut up and play nice or I'll kick you out myself!" Shilo yelled at Amber louder than she did

"But, my wish... came true" Amber stood only to be drop kicked, punched and threw to the street

"And stay out! Of, my life. GraveRobber's life. I want NOTHING to do with you. EVER AGAIN!" Shilo calmly went back and people starred.

"Wow...." Mag was stunned as well as GraveRobber

"I had enough" Shilo went to the coffin and rubbed his head, his cheek and then kissed his forehead lightly. Even though he felt nothing.

(I cried writing the deaths and funeral of Evan, I had to say it, Also I'm doing the wedding chapter next, any ideas for decor, dress, music, GraveRobber outfit, guests and)

Graverobber xShilo (Repo! The Genetic Opera FanFiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now