Time For The Last Goodbye (The Tragic Death Of Evan Wallace )

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(Five years after the birth)

"Evan, time to eat!" Shilo yelled to the five year old, who was in his dinosaur, monkey and cars decorated room. "Evan?!" Shilo ran upstairs, to his door. She opened in and looked around. "Bathroom" She went to his in room bathroom and saw a horrible sight.. Even was laying on the floor not breathing. She rushed to him and picked him up, ran downstairs and to the alley, just as a GeneCo guard was on patrol. "Please help me! Me son. He needs a hospital" The GeneCo Intern let her on a rushed to the hospital.

(at the hospital)

"How is he?!" GraveRobber ran in, he's jacket waving around.

"Barely breathing. He's back to where he started with tubes" Shilo was pasing, with her hand on her mouth. "Doctor said he wouldn't make it. it'd be a miracle " Shilo was stopped by GraveRobber's hand on her shoulder. And her head fell to his chest, he rubbed her head lightly.

"Is it true? Is the kid dying?" Amber asked excitedly

"Amber, only you would be happy about this. It sickens me that you are so excited about a helpless boys life ending." GraveRobber said calmly, you could hear the anger though.

"It's time. I'm so very sorry Mrs. and Mr. Wallace. But you should have your final moments. Once again I'm so sorry." The doctor said in a unhappy tone and walked off

Shilo, GraveRobber and Amber walk into the room, and Shilo's head dropped again, she couldn't help but cry her eyes out.

"Oh come on. Get it over with already" Amber sarcastically complained

"OUT AMBER. NOW" GraveRobber pointed towards the door. "NOW!"

"He's looks so happy. Don't you think?" Shilo tried to see the good in losing her son

"To me he seems peaceful" GraveRobber looked at him and held his hand, Shilo did the same as the doctor came in to take the tubes out of Evans mouth and nose.

"It will take at least five to ten minutes for him to go" The doctor said and gave them to papers to sign

"Will he feel anything?" Shilo Asked after signing

"No, he is sedated. He shouldn't feel a thing".The doctor left

(Ten minutes later)

Evans heart rate and beat slowed down, and Shilo teared up. The machine bleeped and she stood and layed her on his stomach.

"He's... Gone." GraveRobber tried to comprehend this.

"Can we go before I have a heart attack?" She wasn't being disrespectful. She didn't want to have a attack before the barrial.

"Sure" they left crying and Shilo freaked out inside.

Graverobber xShilo (Repo! The Genetic Opera FanFiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now