Chapter 18

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"She ran off on Saturday. She'd mentioned that she was supposed to hang out with you that day. I thought maybe... I thought maybe she'd be with you. She's not returned since she left." My heart sinks in my chest, my body reacting before my brain as I take off running. I leave my school bag to fall in the middle of the hall, not caring in the slightest about it or what it contains.

All that's on my mind at this point is Hyosung and where she could possibly be, if she's okay or not, and the agitating thought of knowing I'd been much too hard on her. I faintly recognize the feeling of hot tears streaming down my cheeks as the cool wind hits my face, running down the street as I search my mind for any thoughts of where the hell she could've gone. It's a noticeable pain in my chest as I feel my heart cracking mercilessly, wanting nothing more than to be able to find the beautiful girl that I've already missed so much.

Not knowing where exactly the hell I'm going, I let my feet carry me to wherever they think best. My eyes scan my surroundings at a fast rate, trying to take in everything I'm passing by as I search for her. It doesn't take long for me to grow desperate though, beginning to shout her name as the tears continue falling.

It scares me that she's actually gone. I recall how she'd thought the girls at school to be right with the bullshit they fed her whilst insulting her, recalling how she thought she didn't deserve to eat anything more than perhaps one meal a day, remembering her words to Taehyung back at their house how she'd mentioned that her parents used to insult her. My worry for the brunette haired and caramel eyed girl only continues to increase as I run wherever the hell my feet take me, going through town and soon reaching the outskirts.

As I reach a meadow just outside of town, I collapse to my knees. Tipping my head back and reaching my hands up to tangle my fingers in my hair, I begin sobbing uncontrollably. My fear of losing her far too much at this point as I've gone through the entire town and not found her. Missing half a day of school at the very back of my mind, I'm not even bothered by the fact that I ran from Taehyung when he told me she was gone. She's been all that's been on my mind all fucking weekend and all day today, and now I find out she's gone? She can't just be... gone.

Although, it soon dawns on me that she may not be around here at all by now. She'd said her parents were still back in Busan, meaning she most likely ran away from home. If she had no problems with running away from there to here just from how her parents supposedly treated her, what would stop her from leaving Daegu after the fight she had with both Taehyung and my walking away?

I whimper quietly at the possible thought of her having left, lifting my head up to stare out at the meadow in front of me in pure agony. I can't believe I'd been so stupid as to let my temper get the best of me that day. I didn't even have a fucking right to accuse her of hiding shit when I'd never asked it of her to begin with.

I frown though, realizing there's a figure located way out into the meadow. It takes me a couple minutes of confusion to process this realization, before I snap out of it and hesitantly stand. Shoving my hands into my pants pockets, I bite my lip as I slowly begin to make my way towards the figure. I heave a heavy sigh, rubbing my eyes with fisted hands as I begin to grow tired from the crying. I push it away though, wanting to at least help this person if I can't get my baby back...

I begin to grow frustrated though, making my way through the seemingly endless meadow with the heavy pain in my chest of thinking I've lost the one girl I've actually grown to care for. I don't know that I can deal with having lost her, but I know there's nothing more I can do right now. Though, I freeze in my tracks when the figure slowly begins to come into view. Eyes widening, my lips fall slack as I feel like I've just had all the wind knocked out of me.

I begin crying all over again, overwhelming happiness bursting through the edges as I laugh through the tears. Breaking out into a run, I race towards the figure that's no longer too far away, relief washing over me.


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