Chapter 1

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Hyosung POV

Hearing my alarm go off, I groan quietly as I reach out to flip it off. Much too tired at the moment, I lay in bed for a few minutes more before finally heaving myself out of bed. I know if I stay there much longer, I'll risk possibly falling back asleep and my parents would absolutely kill me if I did that. Hell, they'd kill me if I ran so much as two minutes late in the morning.

So, I climb out of bed and over to my connected bathroom to hop in the shower. I make sure not to waste too much time before getting out, keeping my gaze on the floor instead of the mirror in front of me as I dry off. Wrapping the towel around my body, I exit the bathroom and over to my closet to pull out my uniform for school. Sighing as I hold it up in my hand, I shake my head to myself and quickly get dressed.

Once I'm all cleaned up and ready to go, I hurry out of my room and down the stairs so as not to be late. When I reach the dining room, I spot my parents sat at the table and discussing work matters.

"I honestly don't know why you bother coming in here in the morning, Hyosung. You know you would only make yourself fatter if you actually ate with us. Hell, there probably wouldn't be any left for your father and I if you ate with us." My mother says with an eye roll, not bothering to properly greet me.

"Your mother's right, Hyosung. Go off to the kitchen to grab your granola bar and head off to school before you're late." My father adds. Biting my lip, I merely exit the room and head over to the kitchen instead. I don't know why this still hurts so much. It's not like it's the first time this has happened. Hell, it's nearly routine anymore. I hate it but I know if I don't go through that, they'll think I'm late and then scold me later if I wasn't and hadn't let them know I'd been up.

Grabbing a granola bar from one of the cupboards, I shove a water bottle in my bag as well before heading out the door. As I step down from our front porch, I approach the car that's sitting in the drive waiting for me. Climbing in, my driver starts the car and pulls away from the house. As always, the drive to school is silent with me lost in my thoughts.

In all honesty, I know my parents are right. I know I'm overweight. But, they're wrong in thinking I could possibly eat more than them. I've never been a heavy eater, taking a normal amount and usually don't even ask for seconds. I might've done that three times in my entire life. Yet, for whatever reason, my body thinks it needs way more fat on it than others do. To say I envy the skinny girls at school would be an understatement.

As the car finally pulls to a stop, I sigh and get out of the vehicle. Almost instantly, I pull on a fake smile and begin walking towards the front of the building.

"Hyosung!" Jisue exclaims happily as I enter the building. Instantly, I'm wrapped up in a hug by my two friends, Jisue and Mijin. I chuckle at their antics, hugging them back before we pull away. Already, there's all eyes on us like usual. That's the shitty life of being popular for ya.

"Oh my gosh, did you hear Park Jimin -" I quickly tune them out as we begin walking down the hallway towards our lockers. Thankfully, they aren't too far apart, and they're not far from our first class either. Of course, it's not exactly the most fun thing ever to be in the hallway with everyone watching us and listening in on what we're talking about all of the time, but after a while you just kinda accept that it's gonna happen. Even if it makes me feel uncomfortable.

As we get stop at all three of our lockers, the feeling of everyone looking at us nearly drives me insane. I know it's something that happens when you're the popular kid at school and whatnot, but with everything going on, I don't need it. It's bad enough that I've got two friends who are only friends with me because my parents are rich, who technically probably hate me as it is considering how fat I am. I've got parents who constantly have to make comments about my weight and make me feel even more insecure than I already am about it. Having everyone constantly look at you? It might as well be the icing on the cake.

When we finally enter the classroom, we all go our separate ways since Mr. Lim didn't want us sitting together. Taking my seat next to the most popular boy in school, Park Jimin, I can already feel him judging me. It wouldn't be a surprise if it's honestly what's going on inside his head though.

More than likely thinking I'm a disgusting waste of space just like everyone else at this school. Just like my parents.

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