Chapter 17

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Yoongi POV

Walking into school on Monday, I keep a straight face as I'm quickly approached by all of the girls that usually surround me. I mentally grow excited for a moment before it quickly disappears, remembering that Hyosung and I are in an argument right now and not talking. Pursing my lips slightly, I begin feeling down all over again, not particularly wanting to be here.

Walking through the halls, my only source of contentment will end up being getting to watch her from afar until she bothers to tell me what's really going on. However, I'm surprised when she's not at her locker when I turn down the hallway where both of ours is located. And since I'm not walking over to my own locker and that she's nowhere to be seen, the girls don't leave my sides as I tiredly grab my things from my locker and put away other things I don't need.

I stay silent all the while, not saying a word to anyone as I leave my locker and head for my first class. I'm assuming she's either running late today or she's already there to try and avoid me a bit. It hurts to think that she'd be avoiding me, but I know I kinda deserve it. I was a bit of a dick on Saturday. I mentally shrug the thought off, reminding myself that all it takes to end this is for her to just come up to me and talk things out. At this point, it's just a waiting game for me and I think that might just be the worst part of this for me. I don't want to wait and I'm worried about if she would actually come back and talk things out with me. I mean, come on, I want her to start eating lunch when she didn't want to. If she came back then I'm sure she'd know that I'd still be expecting her to eat lunch and having it with me. If she's determined enough to not want to eat lunch, then she very well may not come back to me. And if I'm being completely honest, that'd break my heart.

Biting my lip, I enter my first class. I feel my heart sink as I realize that she's not here yet, now just beginning to hope that she's just running late. It'd kill me if she were skipping school completely just to avoid me since we've got all of our classes together.

I mentally cheer when the bell finally rings to let the teachers know they can start class. It means that all these annoying sluts have to leave me alone for the entire time now. Though, I'm still worried. Hyosung still hasn't showed up yet, and she's never late. It really does scare me, making me wonder if she truly is skipping school just to avoid me. And I don't know if I'd be able to handle it if she were.

Sighing quietly to myself in frustration, I run a hand through my hair as I try to focus on school. It's driving me absolutely insane that she's not here right now, but I try to ignore that fact so that I can focus on my classes. Just because she's not here right now, sadly doesn't mean that I can just jack off in my classes and ignore them like they're nothing at all. I still need to do well.

Taehyung POV

I bite my lip nervously as I slowly begin to wander the halls. The bells finally rung to release from class for lunch, but I'm hardly hungry. Hyosung didn't come home Saturday, nor did she return yesterday. I've not seen her at all today, although that's not a whole lot out of the ordinary. I don't tend to spot her during school, but then again, I'm also not usually looking for her.

I'm about to lose all hope, when I manage to spot Yoongi in the hallway. Though, he's not with her and he too seems distracted. Shoving my hands into my pockets, I make my way over to him hesitantly. I know he may not care in the slightest about her being going considering his being a player, but he's my only hope. I'm not dumb enough to believe that any of the girls here at school would bother being friends with her and she'd specifically stated that he'd been helping her out a lot last week.

"Yoongi?" I call out nervously, trying not to let my voice waver too much. He freezes instantly, turning a bit to look back to figure out who's called his name. I swallow hard, walking up to him as he realizes it's me.

"Do I know you?" Yoongi questions tiredly, still seeming very out of it.

"I'm Hyosung's... brother. I'm Taehyung. I-I was wondering if you'd possibly seen her around at all lately?" I manage to choke out. He seems to pay a lot more attention when he hears her name, but his face falls when he catches my question.

"No. I've not seen her since Saturday. Why? Is everything okay?" He asks worriedly. I bite my lip again, wondering if I should tell him. He certainly seems like he cares enough about her.

"She ran off on Saturday. She'd mentioned that she was supposed to hang out with you that day. I thought maybe... I thought maybe she'd be with you. She's not returned since she left."

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