Chapter 7

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Sighing quietly to myself, the bell finally rings to dismiss us from class so that everyone can go to the lunchroom. I frown a bit at the bell, rather disliking the idea of running off to the canteen with everyone else to eat. Besides, I know I'd only get a bunch of shitty remarks once again.

Biting my lip in mild dismay, I slowly begin to pack my things up into my bag before standing. Slowly heading out of the classroom, I'm the last one out as I begin to make my way through halls. I keep my head low, avoiding everyone I can as I go along in attempt not to stir up any trouble. I sigh softly in relief when I reach my locker without having any to have stopped me.

Carefully exchanging the things I need for the afternoon with the things I won't need, I hum quietly to myself. A small smile tugs at my lips despite the mild pain I feel in my abdomen from the eating habit I've decided upon in order to help myself lose weight. Biting my lip as I close my locker, I sigh quietly and realize I've got to find some way of passing the time until class starts again.

Shrugging to myself as the halls clear up, I decide upon just heading up to the roof today instead of the library like I had the other couple days. I waste time, wandering around the school building until I finally find the entrance to the roof. Smiling softly to myself, I go up. Though, I'm surprised as I climb out onto the roof, being met with the familiar blue haired boy. His head snaps around with wide dark brown eyes to look at me, though his face twists into a smirk as he realizes it's me.

"Just couldn't stay away, baby?" He chuckles softly before he turns back around. Stumbling backwards lightly, my eyes are just as wide as well as my lips being parted from surprise.

"N-no. I-I had n-no idea y-you were up here. I-I'll go n-now." I stutter quietly, turning around to go back inside before I'm stopped by the sound of his voice once more.

"Now, now, sexy. Where exactly do you think you're going? You've gone to all the trouble to come up here, you might as well stay. No reason to just run off simply because I'm up here." The blue haired boy tuts. Sighing quietly to myself, I close my eyes for a moment to collect my bearings before opening them and turning back around to look at him. He doesn't bother looking back at me, he simply pats the spot next to himself. Pursing my lips in a slight frown, having no other choice, I head over to the spot next to him and take a seat.

"What is your name?" I ask softly, looking over at him curiously. He chuckles quietly, glancing over at me with a smug look on his face, smirk dawning is light pink lips before looking back out in front of us.

"Min Yoongi, baby. The name, is Min Yoongi." He answers, leaning back against his hands that he's placed behind him. Humming quietly, I nod my head as I look back out to the view in front of us.

"So, Hyosung, what exactly are you doing up here instead of down in the canteen?" Yoongi asks curiously as he pulls a bag of chips out of a brown paper bag that I hadn't noticed beside him. I blush lightly, having been caught in the act of skipping lunch.

"I'm not a big fan of lunch. Never really hungry during the lunch hour." I lie quietly, not bothering to glance over at him. He purses his lips, glancing back over at me curiously.

"Are you so sure of that?" Yoongi questions, turning his head fully to give me a questioning look. Frowning at what he's implying, I give him a gentle glare.

"Despite my looks, I do not indulge myself with food at the moments notice, with every chance I get." I snap quietly, trying to keep my cool as I feel tears begin to slowly well up in my eyes. His eyes widen slightly in surprise, tilting his head to the side as he looks at me, his lips forming a beautiful pout. He gently reaches up to place his hand gently on my cheek, however, I smack it away before he can touch me.

"Hyosung, please. I-... I didn't-" Yoongi starts to say. However, I cut him off with a sharper glare before standing up.

"I don't want to hear it, Yoongi. I know I'm fat but you don't need to indirectly point it out." I snap before heading back inside, leaving Yoongi with a saddened, innocent look on his face.

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