Chapter 13

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Sighing softly to myself, I smile lightly as I head downstairs for dinner. I'm stuck sitting next to Taehyung like always, though I don't really mind too much. He seems like an okay person, but a little bit quiet and distant. He's only ever home in the evenings for dinner before he's gone again, not seen until morning for breakfast.

"So, do either of the two of you have any plans for the weekend?" Ms. Kim asks with a hopeful tone as she looks between the two of us.

"I'll be out hanging with friends like always." Taehyung mutters from beside me before shoving a bite of food in his mouth. However, his mother's eyes light up at his response.

"Oh, maybe you could take Hyosung out with you! You could introduce her to your friends, Tae!" She squeals happily, loving the idea she's come up with. His reaction is quite different though, eyes widening as he scoffs with a deep frown.

"Fuck no. I'm not taking her to meet my friends. That's the last thing I would do." Taehyung responds, disgust and annoyance in his voice.

"Kim Taehyung! You know better than to use that language in this house." His father scolds with a slight glare. Taehyung just rolls his eyes though.

"Besides, what's wrong with bringing her along? It could be great bonding time for the two of you and I'm sure your friends would love her." His mother questions, frowning now as well.

"It's okay. I've actually got plans myself tomorrow. I'll be out late morning and most of the afternoon at least, hanging out with a close friend I've made." I speak up softly, blush quickly covering my cheeks at the sudden attention of everyone.

"Yeah? And who the hell would that be? All the girls insulting you?" Taehyung scoffs under his breath, only us being able to hear. I frown at him though.

"No, Taehyung. It's not." I answer firmly, bothered by the fact that he would think I'm stupid enough to fall for that type of trap. He glances over at me with a smirk.

"Oh yeah? And who exactly are you hanging out with then?" Taehyung questions, turning his head to look at me with a smug expression. I bite my lip, looking down at the dish set before me on the table.

"Min Yoongi." I answer quietly, glancing over at him from the corner of my eye. I'm surprised though, when his expression changes from smug to dark.

"Stay the hell away from him. He's bad fucking news, not that a new kid like you would pick up on that. I don't want to see you anywhere near him." He growls, surprising all three of us. My lips fall slack at his words, looking over at him with wide eyes.

"Why the hell would I do that? And who the hell is to determine who's bad news and who isn't? I'm hanging out with him tomorrow and you're not changing that." I tell him firmly. He simply scoffs though, glaring at me.

"You're not in any position to be deciding what I'll be changing for you. You're not hanging out with him tomorrow and you're never going to. I don't want to see you anywhere near that dickhead, Hyosung, and that's final. Unlike you, I've been around my school long enough to pick up on who the fuck you should be staying away from and who you can hang around with." Taehyung snaps coldly. I scoff angrily.

"Is that so? Because, clearly you've not been around enough this particular week. Yoongi's not a dickhead and he's not bad news or someone I should be staying away from. If anything, he's the one person I can actually stand to be around." I scoff, trying to control my currently raging temper and pain.

"Really? Then please enlighten me on how the fuck he's the one person you can stand to be around and how I've been absent this week to know nothing about the biggest fucking player in our entire goddamn school?" Taehyung challenges.

"Yoongi's not a player, Taehyung. At least, not anymore. Not with me, he's serious. He's helped me out with learning my way around the school, keeping people off my back from bullying me, and keeps me company during lunch." I respond softly, feeling my heart drop a bit in my chest from Taehyung's words. He simply scoffs in return though, rolling his eyes once more.

"Pathetic, you don't know shit about that kid. You've fallen for him and you don't even know him. You're just like the rest of the girls at that damn place. He's just fucking playing you like the rest of the desperate damn girls. You just happened to have been an easier target since you're new. I can't believe we're housing a desperate pathetic bitch like you." Taehyung snaps, standing up from the table and walking out.

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