Chapter 1

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Andy’s POV


Hey, my name’s Andrew Biersack but my friends call me Andy… Well, my old friends. I recently moved and left all my friends behind. I’m 17 years old and I live with my mum Amy and my dad Chris. I’m your typical ‘emo’ kid, I wear leather jackets, band t-shirts, black ripped skinny jeans, eye liner and the odd bit of jewellery now and then. I have a beautiful girlfriend called Juliet Simms. She used to live next door to me, but when she found out I was moving she convinced her parents to move too, so now she lives across the street from me J. I’m in a band called ‘Black Veil Brides’ we’re pretty popular around where I used to live and where I live now, the members of my band all lived here when we started, but because I lived somewhere else we didn’t get much done. So I convinced my parents to move to LA so I could pursue my dream of being In a professional rock band, the guys in my band are Jacob Pitts, but we call him Jake, he play lead guitar. Jeremy Ferguson, who we call Jinxx plays rhythm guitar, Christian Mora who we call CC, because he changed his name to Christian Coma, plays drums and I sing. And I know what you’re thinking ‘they don’t have a bassist’, well no we don’t. We’re still looking; hopefully someone around this area can play bass. In my old school I was one of the popular kids, despite how I dress, all my friends picked on other kids who dress in leather, black clothes and wear make up, but they didn’t do that with me… To be honest, I’m glad I’ve moved schools; I got bored of my old one. There was nothing there that I liked, in the music lessons we used to write our own songs then play them on piano, I didn’t mind the writing our own songs part, but the fact that the school didn’t have any instruments apart from pianos or keyboards it kinda sucked. So here I am, in my new house in LA, I don’t really know much about this place, apart from we have neighbours who apparently have a kid ‘just like me’ so my mums going to invite them round for dinner some time. Let’s just hope they’re actually like me, not one of those guys my mum thinks are like me…

Ashley's POV

Hey, my name's Ashley Purdy but I prefer Ash. If you didn’t know it I'm a boy.

I'm the person other people call ‘emo’. I’m gay, but no one knows that. Not even my parents, there’s only one person that knows my secret and that’s me.. I'm always wearing band shirts, black leather pants or tight jeans, combat boots and a lot of bracelet and sometimes a star necklace. I also wearing black eyeliner and I take about two hours to do my hair and make up.

I get bullied and beaten up at school, but it's not new for me. It started when I was a freshman, so it's long time ago. I have no friends, I had one, his name was Ryan, but he got friends with the popular kids and then he started to bully me, so we're no longer friends. 

My biggest dream is to be in a Rock band and play bass. I can play bass and sing a little. 

I'm quiet shy and a loner… Well, mostly because I've got no friends.

My dad abuses me, and my mom just doesn’t care about me, they stopped caring when I got in to rock music, and started dressing the way I do now. My dad’s exact words when he first saw me in my skinny jeans, Blood On The Dance Floor t shirt, cowboy boots, and eye liner was ‘you fucking fag, we raised you properly and now you’ve disrespected our family. Emo fag’. I haven’t told anyone that I’m gay because I know I’ll get beat up for it, not only at school but at home as well.

My only 'friends' are my two dogs. Killer and Tokyo. I love them so much!

Everyone on the school hates me, including the teachers, they always blame me for thing’s I didn’t do! My whole family does too well except of my dogs of course! 

We've got some new neighbours and the mother invited us to eat dinner with them. I've heard that they've got a son who's like me… but what if he also hates me?

I'll admit it, I'm scared!

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