Chapter 13

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Andy's POV

"Ashley! Wait, please!" Shit. Fuck. Ugh. Why did i even think about that! I ran upstairs and knocked on our bedroom door. I heard soft crying comign from the back of the room.

"G-go away Andy" He sniffled and began sobbing again. I sighed loudly and just walked in, when he saw me he look angry and upset.

"I told you to go away" He said, barely above a whisper. 

"I'm not going anywhere until you're feeling better" 

"How can i feel better? You're going to break up with me..." His voice got quieter as he said each word.

"I'm not going to break up with you Ash, i don't know why i hesitated, and i'm so sorry. I love you and will never leave you" He smiled slightly. I sat down next to him and put my arms out.

"Cuddles?" His smile got wider and he climbed on to my lap and rested his head on my shoulder, i wrapped my arms around him tightly, wishing that this moment didn't have to end.

"Hey Andy?"


"Who's Danny?"

"Oh, you heard us talking on the phone?" He simply nodded. "He's one of my best friends, he's in a band called Asking Alexandria. And don't worry, he's got a girlfriend and he's straight" I heard him sigh in releif making me chuckle. We cuddled on his bed for an hour or so until i decided i needed to talk about the appointment.


"Hm? Yeah Andy?"

"When do you go?"

"In a week..." He looked like he was about to cry, so i wrapped my arms around him and brought him closer to me, he just started sobbing in to my shoulder.

"Ssh, it'll be okay. We'll get through this together"

"It's got bad though Andy, i didn't want this" I stroked his hair and kissed his head.

"I know baby, but when you go they'll make you better. It's what you need" He just sighed and nodded. Soon enough he was asleep on my chest. I must have fallen asleep at some point, i know this because my phone playing Blood by In This Moment woke me up. I checked the caller ID and sure enough it was Danny.

"Hey man"

"Hey, Asking Alexandria are going on tour in a few weeks, and the guys and I were wondering if BVB would like to come along? I know it's short notice but the band we had booked to come along cancelled on us" Danny basically begged.

"I'll have to get back to you on that man, you know Ash is going soon and i don't know if he'll be able to postpone it"

"I understand, just tell me as soon as you know, yeah?"

"Sure. Talk later"

"Alright mate, bye" I hung up the phone and looked over to Ash.



"What did he want?"

"He said that Asking are going on tour soon and they want BVB to come along" His eyes lit up, i know he loves touring but he might not be able to go...

"Awesome! When do we leave!?"

"Ash, sweetie. You're leaving in a week..." His smile dropped. 

"Oh. Yeah. Have fun" He smiled, kissed my cheek and went back to sleep. This is going to be tougher than i thought.

 A/N: Hey guys :3 I'm sorry i haven't updated in a while, life's been getting in the way basically. I know it's only a filler chapter but i tried. Sorry if you don't approve :(

Sooo, cliffhanger. I have ideas for what's coming next, but maybe you guys could leave your suggestions in the comments? I'd love to hear your ideas. Hope you enjoyed. - Escaping Insanity

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