Chapter 12

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Ashley's POV

Shit. Shit. Shit. How am I going to get out of this?

"Ash? Are you even listening to me?"

"oh. Urm, yeah. Sorry baby"

"it's okay" he smile and kissed my cheek, only then did I realise that we were just outside our house.

We stepped Inside but no one was In..

"MUM!? DAD!? ANYBODY HOME!?" after a few seconds of silence we both agreed that there was no one home.

"right. Since no ones home, we can talk now" my eyes went wide as we walked up to our room. All 4 of my blades were on Andy's bed.

"I found them Ash."

"w - when did you..?"

"lunchtime. I came home to grab my lunch. It didn't take long, just a quick run and I still had a few minutes to spare, so I fed Tokyo and Killer. I came upstairs and saw something shiny at the back of our wardrobe."

"you have no right to go through my things!" I snapped. 

"It was for your own good. You are NOT getting these back, and i'm hiding anything that you could use to harm yourself" I want to shout at him, tell him how much he's hurting me by taking them away. But i just can't... I leaned against our bedroom wall and dropped down to the floor in tears.

"Shit, Ashley i didn't mean to upset you! I'm so sorry" Andy said quickly. i sniffed and looked in to his deep blue eyes. 

"It's okay Andy, i shouldn't have kept the fact that i had blades away from you, i can get rid of them if you want. I am really trying to stop but it's a comfort knowing that they're there if i need them" (That is actually true)

"Here's the deal, you get rid of all of them except one, give that one to me and i will keep it somewhere safe, if you ever feel like you need it, tell me and i will give it to you. But i will not leave you alone whilst you have it, i know that just holding it can be helpful so that's what i'm going to allow you to do. Okay?" I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you" i whispered softly in to his ear, he hugged me back and kissed my cheek. When we pulled away from the hug we started talking about random things, until the subject that i was dreading came up.

"So, you ready for CC's party tonight?" 

"Urm.. I can't go, i don't feel well" i lied

"Oh okay, i'll stay home with you then" Shit.

"No, you go out and have fun. I'll be okay here" I smiled a fake smile

"Nope, i want to stay here with you. But, i might just go if you tell me the truth on why you don't want to go" My eyes widended, how did he know i was lying? Am i really that bad of a liar?

"Ash, you forget how well i know you sometimes" Oh...

I sighed, i guess i should just tell him the truth now.

"I have an appointment, it's with my doctor about my self harm and eating habits" I explained whilst looking down.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked whilst holding my hand. I didn't think he'd want that..

"Only if you want to, i don't want to be the reason you're not spending time with your friends" He put his index finger on my lips indicating me to be quiet.

"I can explain to them if you don't mind me doing that as to why we aren't going or i can just make something up, i love you all but out of all 4 of you, you're my favourite" I blushed and looked down, Andy lifted up my chin and kissed me softly on the lips. 

"I love you, don't you dare forget it" I nodded. 

"So shall i tell them the truth?" I sighed and nodded.

"They're bound to find out at some point" Andy nodded and picked up his phone, i decided to go for a walk around the house to give him some privacy. How did i get someone like him? I don't deserve him. I've already cheated on him! What's wrong with me!? I punched the wall on the stairway and broke down crying on the steps. 

"-tomorrow, have fun" I faintly heard over my sobbing. Andy came running up to me and put his arm round my shoulder, i placed my head on the crook of his neck and cried until i could no more.

"What was that all about Ashy?" I sniffled.

"I don't desserve you" He looked at me shocked.

"You do though, you're my perfect little Outlaw" I smile and kissed his cheek.

"Now what time's that appointment?" I pulled my phone out of my skin tight skinny jeans.

"Shit! It's in 5 minutes!" Andy and i jumped up and ran to his car.


 Andy hasn't said anything to me since we left after the apppointment 20 minutes ago, since then i've got home, gone up to bed and just lay here... Why's he so mad at me? It's not my fault! I can't help being the way i am! I guess maybe he just doesn't understand, maybe we need to talk this out together... I started walking downstairs and heard Andy on the phone to someone.

"I don't understand why he kept it from me, if he didn't keep it from me none of this would be happening. I'm not angry... I'm just upset and dissapointed i guess."

He's dissapointed? That's worse than being angry!

"Yeah, i'll give it a try. Thanks Danny, i'll ring you back to tell you how it went. Bye" Danny? Who the fucks Danny?!

"Oh. You're already here, i was going to ask you to come down so we could talk" Andy snapped me out of my mini rant in my head.

"Uh yeah, that's why i was coming down" He nodded and started walking towards the sofa, i guess i'm supossed to follow him. we both sat down and he just sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He looked straight in to my eyes, i couldn't look at him. I've upset him...

"I didn't want to upset you"

"Well you've upset me more by not telling me. How did you think this was all going to plan out?"

"I was hoping no one would ever find out and i could slowly whither away i guess" He looked taken back by my honesty.

"Well that's not going to happen, and you know why. I can't believe this Ash!"

"You're... You're not going to break up with me are you?" I whispered.

"I- I umm" I gasped.

"Fine." I ran upstairs and collapsed crying on my bed, he's going to break up with me because of this!

A/N: Ooooh, what's happened? What's made Andy think about breaking it off with Ashley? 

Sorry i haven't updated in so long guys >.< Been a lot of shit happening to be honest with you. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter :3. You know the drill, comment, fan etc. 

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