Chapter 9

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Andy's POV

I woke up to my phone playing BOTDF's sexting, I turned it off and got out of bed.

"nice choice of song baby"Ash saud as he rolled out of bed.

"thanks" I replied with a slight chuckle.

"Oh Ash I forgot to ask you yesterday but why aren't you eating properly?" He looked at me with wide eyes, as If he'd just been caught out.

"w-what are you talking about, I eat normally" as If right on que his stomach growled.

"Ash when was the last time you ate anything?"

"Honestly? I have no idea" I just stared at him, dumbfounded.

"why are you doing this to yourself?" I asked while getting dressed in to my Asking Alexandria t shirt and black ripped skinnies

"if I told you you'd hate me" Ash said as he started to straighten his hair. why would I hate him? it can't be that bad... can it?

"I could never hate you Ash, please just tell me." He stopped straightening his hair and sat down on his bed mum bought for him just yesterday. He was topless and wearing some loose trousers. I looked closely at his face and noticed He Had tears in his eyes.

"Hey, don't cry. what's happened?" He just started crying harder and put his head in his hands

"I'm so sorry Andy" He mumbled in to his hands, still crying his heart out.

"Why are you sorry?" He stopped crying as much, and started sobbing.

"i.. I c-cheated" He started sobbing harder, Please tell me He cheated on a test it something.

"Cheated on what baby?"

"You. Andy I cheated on you!" I felt my face go pale, and my mouth just dropped open.

"Please tell me this is some sick joke" He didn't say anything, just shook his head 'no'

"who" He looked up at me.

"Who the fuck Did you sleep with Ashley?"

Ashley's POV

"Who the fuck Did you sleep with Ashley?" He never calls me Ashley.. I looked up in to his eyes, they're normally a bright blue, filled with happiness . now, they're a dark shade of blue filled with anger, pain and confussion.

"cc" I said quietly.

"what? talk louder"

"CC!" I shouted, but quickly sunk back down after seeing the shock turn to pain and anger in his eyes.

"Can I not trust anyone!? first Juliet, now you and chuppy " The pain in his eyes Had now turned in to tears. He got dressed, Did a quick thin layer of eye liner, grabbed his bag and started running out the house. I Did exactly the same, I saw andy running ahead of me but He was just too fast . When I finally caught up with him we were at school and her Had CC pinned against a wall by his throat. Jake and Jinxx were stood behind Andy not knowing what to do.

"Andy just let him go! " I heard Jake shout. I finally reached them and Jinxx looked at me with pleading eyes

"Andy" Jinxx grabbed Andy's shoulders.

"What's He done anyway?" Jake asked

"He fucked my boyfriend!" Everyone went silent, CC looked at me

"You told him?!"

"I Had to!"

A/N: I'm gena leave it there for a bit :) sorry it took so long to update, Had a lot going on and I kept forgetting :p

anyways, hope you liked this short chapter, comment, vote, you know what to do :-).

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