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"luke robert hemmings."

the girl next to luke, a small girl named charlie, nudged his shoulder a few times, as he had fallen asleep during the ceremony.

boy after boy, girl after girl, all walked across the stage in their dark green caps and gowns set up outside springfield senior highschool, as their parents, teachers, and friends watched. mia fidgeted in her seat, her diploma in hand as the names were called, waiting for the big moment.

"and now, we have a speech prepared for you by your student council president, ashton fletcher irwin." principal akers backed away from the mic as ashton stood.

he carried a soccer ball strategically at his hip level, the wind surprisingly bringing goosebumps to his bare skin.

gasps and shouts and giggles were heard around the crowd as they saw ashton's naked frame head up to the podium.

"class, we did it!" he cried. "this is it! we did it. this will be forever one of the greatest, yet saddest days of our lives. today, we break away from the familiarity of springfield high, the place we've spent four years of our lives. today, we say goodbye to the laughing and smiling faces we see in the halls everyday, to the teachers who have shaped who we are. highschool has introduced us to people we never thought we'd interact with," he said as he looked in mia's direction, "but have become some of the most amazing people we will ever know. and there's no way we could ever forget each other. so with that, i want to thank each and every one of you for the greatest four years of my life. thank you to luke hemmings, dean tanner, scott parks, and steven allan, for being the bestfriends i could ever want for the past ten years. thank you, mckinley grey for letting me copy your homework all four years of math class. yeah, ms. simpson, i don't know anything about trigonometry. sorry. thank you to all of my teachers for preparing me for my future. thank you to scarlett graham, for making me realize how ridiculous it is to care so much about popularity. thank you, calum hood, for helping me in meeting the person that means the most to me. and finally, the biggest thanks to mia gisele copeland, who has shown me what really matters in the world. for giving me a new perspective on everything. for showing me what true beauty and love is, and for showing me the real ashton. this has been the time of my life with you all. i'm so honored to be part of this class. again, thank you all. let's go fucking nuts!" ashton yelled.

mia couldn't help but laugh and cry and blush all at once as the soccer ball landed on her lap.


and that's it!!!! it's short i know but it happens. thanks for reading it and voting for it and commenting and stuff :~) if you wanna check out my other stories, i have a completed michael clifford one called thunder, a luke hemmings one called don't you forget about me, and a calum hood one called positive. if you'd read those, it'd mean a lot to me. i love you guys :~)

she's all that -- ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now