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"hey, mia!"

mia was bombarded by greetings from faces she'd never seen and voices she'd never heard. she smiled and blushed and looked at the ground as she walked closely next to ashton, luke, and dean. they were walking along the quad area of the campus, passing seniors, juniors, sophomores, and freshman.

mia fumbled with the pocket of her light faded skinny jeans, tucking it in. since the party, she'd changed remarkably. along with her new haircut, courtesy of holly, she'd began dressing differently, wearing her contacts, and wearing makeup. she felt more confident with herself. maybe that was because of ashton, but either way, she liked it.

ashton had also changed remarkably. his feelings for mia copeland tripled. he wanted to be by her side 24/7. he dreamed of her face at night and during the day he longed for her touch. being beside her made his heart race and hearing her voice made him smile like an idiot and seeing her face made everything about him glow.

"damn, mia, you're more popular than i am." dean laughed from beside the girl.

she giggled softly. "i don't get it. i've never even seen some of these people."

"well," ashton smiled, "they seem to know you very well."

"attention, all students of springfield senior highschool," the booming voice of principal akers filled the ears of all of the students on campus. "we have the names of all of the students on the prom king and queen ballot!

"first of all, we have the nominees for king. they are: ashton irwin, luke hemmings, dean tanner, and scott parks."

ashton, luke, and dean all highfived each other, and mia, too.

"now, for the queen nominees. the ladies are scarlett graham, lydia masters, ellie sears, and finally, mia copeland! congratulations to all of the nominees! don't forget to cast your vote on prom night, which is this coming saturday night from 9 to 1 at the hilton!" the man's voice cut out after a small bit of static.

mia stood there, completely motionless.

"mia, you're nominated for queen!" dean smiled, squeezing her into a small hug.

"who the hell would nominate me?" mia wondered aloud.

ashton smiled down at her. "anyone who knows you, mia. i mean, everyone can see you deserve it."

mia sighed. "but, ashton, i'm not scarlett. or ellie, or lydia for that matter. i'm nothing compared to them. there's no way i could ever win."

"oh, stop it." ashton insisted. "i happen to think you're the greatest person i've ever met, not to mention the most beautiful. you deserve it more than anyone i know."

mia felt herself blushing as the sound of the class bell rang across the school.

"shit," she whispered. "i have to get to calculus."

ashton pulled her into a hug. "i'm coming by your house today, okay?"

mia nodded.

"i'll see you later," he grinned and kissed her hair. mia gave a small wave to ashton and the other two boys and rushed off toward the c wing of the school building.

"well, well, well," luke began with a smirk after dean walked off in another direction.


"didn't think you had it in ya, irwin."

"what do you mean?"

luke rolled his eyes. "you know exactly what i mean. don't play dumb, ash. the bet."

ashton honestly had forgotten about the entire thing. he was too focused on the growing feelings he had for mia copeland to think about anything else. "oh, that. i forgot about that."

"don't tell me you've actually fallen for this girl."

ashton shrugged. "i don't know, man. i mean, she's really cool. and you can't say she isn't hot."

luke scoffed. "okay, well, anyway, the bet is still on, if you weren't aware."

"do i really have anything to worry about, luke? i mean, you saw all the people who just got excited about waving at her this morning. come on."

"don't get too cocky, dude. you never know what could happen."

"yeah, well," ashton started, wanting to get away from luke before he ended up punching him in the face. he didn't wanna hear anymore about how mia was "just a bet." she was everything to ashton. "i gotta get to class."

"alright," luke said, patting ashton on the shoulder. "i'll catch you later?"

ashton nodded. luke turned off in the other direction and began walking, planning in his head what he would have to do to make sure ashton and mia would never be the prom king and queen.


this is short but yolo

she's all that -- ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now