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the stench of alcohol and smoke immediately hit mia in the face as she followed ashton through the doors, into luke's house. sweaty bodies were everywhere, most of them half-nude. girls were giggling, draping themselves on guys' shoulders as the guys stared at them with hungry smirks. mia latched tightly onto ashton's arm, making his heart leap a little at her touch. he wrapped his hand around hers protectively, lacing their fingers.

"ashton! mia! you made it!" luke slurred, appearing in front of the pair and throwing an arm around ashton. 

ashton giggled. "yeah, mate, we did."

"oh shit, dude, i h-have to tell you something," luke hiccuped, his eyes wide. "there's someone here that's been lookin-"

"ashton, baby!" the all too familiar voice squealed. the girl's blonde hair came into view as she neared ashton and mia, a pale boy with bright purple hair attached to her arm. he had a red cup in his hand, and every so often, he tipped it back and downed some of the liquid.

"oh, hi, scarlett." ashton mumbled, squeezing mia's hand tighter.

"who's this?"

"this is mia copeland. mia, meet scarlett graham."

scarlett stuck out her hand to mia. "you probably already know who i am."

mia cocked her head to the side, without saying a word or shaking the girl's hand. scarlett eventually scoffed and pulled her arm back to her side, pushing herself closer to the boy beside her. "well anyway, ashton, this is my boyfriend, michael clifford. the michael clifford."

michael blinked twice. "boyfriend?" he cried.

"uh, yeah..?"

michael backed away. "fuck this. i don't do girlfriends."

scarlett turned quickly, backing away from ashton and mia to prevent them from hearing the conversation. "mike, baby. it's just the vodka talking."

"no, it isn't. i don't do girlfriends, scar. fuck that." he giggled before turning on his heel, walking over to some intoxicated blonde standing by the stairs. scarlett's jaw dropped.

mia brushed a lock of hair from her eyes. "i'm gonna, uh, go to the bathroom." she said quickly, trying to escape the awkward situation. ashton opened his mouth to speak, but she was already lost in the sea of people.

mia made her way through the drunk bodies, until she found the bathroom. someone was passed out in the floor, so she decided to just forget it and go back to find ashton.

"damn, ash, i know you probably were lost without me, but did you have to go this low? i figured at least kelsey pendleton or brittany smith. i've never even heard of this one." mia heard scarlett hiss, venom laced in her words. 

ashton bit his tongue to keep himself from lashing out completely and embarrassing himself in front of all of those people. "you don't even know her." he whispered.

"i know she doesn't compare to me. you know, i really missed you, ash."

ashton shook his head. "stop it, scarlett. you're only saying that because your b list boyfriend just dumped you, and you can't handle being alone."

"no, you fucking know it's true. you know she isn't me, and she'll never be me. she doesn't even compare. she's not hot, she's not popular, she's absolutely nothing."

"no, you're wrong. i don't want this, scarlett. stop."

scarlett rolled her eyes as she began to turn around. "fine. but just know, one day you'll be begging for me back, ashton irwin."

scarlett spun around to come face to face with mia. a venomous grin spread across her cheeks as she snatched a red cup from a boy next to her and dumped it down the front of mia's dress. "oh, whoops." she sneered. "you know, mia, you should really be more careful. that's expensive fabric, which of course, you would know nothing about with all of your thrift shop clothes."

mia swallowed the lump growing in the back of her throat. "thank you." she said softly.

"excuse me?" scarlett asked angrily.

"thank you. for a minute, i forgot why i avoided places like this and people like you."

scarlett laughed. "avoided us? honey, just look around. to everyone here who matters, you're vapor. you're spam. you're a waste of perfectly good yearbook space, and nothing, absolutely nothing, is ever gonna change that."

mia stayed silent, looking scarlett in the eye

"oh, wait a second... you didn't think you became popular for real, did you?"

again, silence.

"oh, you did? that's so sweet."

as tears formed in mia's eyes, she quickly blinked them back.

"you aren't going to cry, are you? aw, poor baby girl."

"fuck you." mia whispered.

scarlett giggled again. "wouldn't you like to?"

mia pushed her way past scarlett, out the door. ashton followed closely behind, running after her.

"are you okay?" he asked once he caught up with her in luke's front yard.

mia turned to him, her face painted with lines from tears traveling down her cheeks. "take me home."

ashton nodded, not wanting to do anything to upset her. he held out his hand, which she took into her own, and led her over to his jeep in silence.


yo yo yo its been twenty years since i've updated but i started school and im in like four ap classes and like eight clubs so i have like no time anymore but yeah here's this ole thaaaaaaang

she's all that -- ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now