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"can i at least borrow your guitar? i didn't exactly plan on singing tonight."

mia shrugged as she handed ashton her guitar case. ashton took the old acoustic from the case and made his way up to the stage.

"oooooh, we have a volunteer." the small girl at the mic said. "what's your name?"

ashton looked back at mia and noticed her raise an eyebrow and smirk. goddamn, ashton thought, that was pretty hot. "ashton." he muttered.

"this is ashton! let's give him some applause!"

the entire eight people in the cafe clapped their hands lightly as ashton pulled a wooden stool over to the microphone. he took the strap and threw it over his shoulder before checking the tuning of the instrument. it was in the right tuning, so his fingers began mindlessly strumming, and soon enough, ashton began singing.

"they can say what they say, i just want you to believe, but these clouds are still dark; i have loved you from the start. but you're so beautiful, and you're incredible, irreplaceable, and i never wanna lose my baby. you are everything i want, you're everything i need, it's all because of you, i can barely breathe. when we wake up in the morning, it's a brighter day, we sail the high seas, 'cause baby, you and me, we could always be. i just wanna call you mine."

ashton opened his eyes, which he didn't even realize he had closed, and looked out to mia. his hands had stopped playing, and now, they were carrying the wooden stool back to where he had first found it, with the guitar still draped across his shoulders. the small audience all clapped, including mia.

ashton stepped down from the stage in the cafe and walked back over to the table where mia was sitting.

"well, there. i did it." he said proudly. "and here's your guitar."

she graciously accepted it. "that wasn't actually bad, ashton."

"well, thanks. can we get out of here? just take a little walk?"

mia seemed reluctant.

"i won't touch you, mia, if that's what you're so afraid of. i want to get to know you."

mia closed her guitar case and picked it up as she stood. "sure."

ashton smiled brightly and led the way out to dimly lit street.

"i didn't know you could sing like that." mia began, actually startling ashton. he didn't expect her to start the conversation.

ashton nervously rubbed his arm. mia actually made him nervous, something that scarlett never did. "yeah, well, uh... not many people do."

"did you write that?"

ashton nodded sheepishly.

"it wasn't bad."

"well, thanks."

the two grew silent, and for ashton, it was uncomfortable. however, for mia, it was normal.

"so, did i impress you?" ashton spoke up, breaking the silence.

mia scrunched her eyebrows together.

"you said to impress you, i had to sing. did i?"

mia chuckled. "you actually did, ashton irwin. you impressed me."

"good." ashton grinned.

"is that what you were going for?"

he nodded. "yep," he said, popping the 'p' loudly.


ashton looked at her, confused.

"why did you want so badly to impress me?"

ashton thought for a minute. "you interest me, mia copeland."

"what about your girlfriend?"

"i have no girlfriend, as a matter of fact."

mia paused. "am i just a rebound? someone weak and small and, just, a loser, like me? are you using me to get over this girlfriend?"

ashton shook his head quickly. "not at all. i truly am interested in you."

"then why haven't you ever spoken to me before now, ashton irwin?"

shit, ashton cursed in his head. he had to come up with something quick. there was no way he was letting luke win that bet. "i was scared to, mia."

"scared? ashton irwin was scared?"

ashton nodded. "i'm not some heartless dick like everyone seems to think i am. i'm a real person, i get scared, sleepy, hungry, all of those normal human emotions."

"sorry. i guess i misjudged."

"it's quite alright, mia copeland." ashton assured. "and now that i am no longer scared and now that i am speaking to you, how would you like to hang out with me?"

"me? hang out? with you?"

ashton nodded again. 

"i don't know.."

"what? are you ashamed of being seen with me?"

"no." mia said quickly.

"then why can't you?"

mia frowned. "i'm not scarlett graham, ashton. i can't. i just can't. i'm sorry."

"wait, mia!" ashton called out, but mia was already inside her truck.

fuck, ashton swore. guess i'm gonna have to try a little harder.


this is exciting me she's all that is my favorite movie ever

she's all that -- ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now