Chapter Fifteen

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This chapter switches POV a few times, so just bear with me. The story will be much easier to understand that way. Also, I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever. School has been kicking my ass ;-; I promise I'm trying my hardest, though. Okay, enjoy!!

"What do you mean, it wasn't recording?" I asked in astonishment.

"Something must have went wrong before or when I gave the hat to you. There's no other logical explanation," Nick told me. His own voice seemed to slightly tremble, even though he wasn't the guinea pig here.

"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered.

"I'm sorry, Alan. I am really sorry, I didn't know it would do this. I promise I'll find some other way. Just...give me a while."

"Okay. I'm gonna go while you work that out," I said and walked out into the hall. I stopped outside Austin's dorm, putting my ear to the wall and making sure Oli wasn't inside. I wouldn't want to be put in that situation. Though, if it did happen, I left something in my closet to pretend I accidentally left there and was just picking it up. It would be a good enough alibi; or so I hoped.

When I was sure the coast was clear, I knocked on the door. Sure enough, Austin was standing there in two seconds flat. The smile on his face was adorable. He was always so happy to see me for some reason.

I wrapped my arms around him and let myself inside, shutting the door behind me. "Hey," I grinned.

"Hey, Gingy," he teased. I rolled my eyes playfully at him. He pressed his lips against mine, at first softly and then it grew more passionate. He was so good at that. Nothing could ever be too terribly innocent with him.

I noticed the curtains were wide open and it kind of made me paranoid. What if Oli was watching? I was immediately uneasy just thinking about it.

"Hey...uh, Austin?" I mumbled.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"This'll sound weird, but can we maybe close the curtains?"

"Um...sure, why?"

I struggled to think of a reason as he pulled the curtains closed. "I dunno...just, anxiety getting the best of me, I guess. Don't really like the idea of people seeing us."

"Aw, it's okay. Nobody'll bother us now," he assured me. But right as he said that, there was a knock at the door.

"Austin!" A frighteningly familiar British voice yelled. My stomach did all kinds of twists.

"Austin, whatever you do, do not open that door," I whispered. "I have to get out of here."

"What?" He asked equally softly.

"Please, Austin. Just get me out through the window or something. And do not tell Oli anything about me being here. Don't even mention my name to him. I promise I will explain absolutely everything next time I see you. Call me when he's gone," I ordered.

"Austin, you there, mate?" Oli shouted. I looked at Austin pleadingly and he unlatched the window for me to escape. I climbed out, landing in a flower bed below and giving a thumbs-up to Austin. I didn't even think twice before running as fast and as far as I could.


*Austin's POV*

Oli shouted at me again through the door as Alan left. Pushing my questions aside, I finally opened up and let him in.

"What was the hold-up, mate?" He asked suspiciously. Something was definitely up between him and Alan.

"Oh, nothing much, I was just sleeping and you scared me a little bit. I needed some time to adjust," I lied.

His expression lightened. "No need to adjust, love. It's just me."

"Um...yeah. About that..." I trailed off.

"What's the matter?"

"Well, please don't take this personally, but I just can't be that way with you. I know the other night it kind of seemed like it, but it didn't mean anything. I just needed someone there for me. You know? It's nothing against you, I promise," I explained. I tried to make it as convincing as possible because most of it wasn't even true. I just couldn't mention Alan.

"What? This is about that redheaded scum, isn't it? You aren't over him and so you push everyone else away? You don't even think about how strong we were, and how strong we can be now!" He accused.

"No, it has nothing to do with Alan, I swear! And that was just high school. It really didn't mean anything. I'm sorry, Oli. That's just how it is."

"You make me sick! Don't you ever come crawling back to me!" He yelled, walking out and slamming the door behind him. I was finally alone, away from Oli. It was time to figure out what was really going on.


I had reached Nick's dorm in a matter of minutes. I recognized it from the distinct Mickey Mouse curtains and knocked on the window. Soon, he was looking at me through the glass with a confused expression on his face and unlatching the window. I crawled in and landed on Nick's bed, which was directly below.

"Creeper, much?" He asked, shutting the window.

"Not really. I was at Austin's and Oli came over, so I jumped out the window and ran," I said breathlessly. Nick just chuckled.

"Well, while you were gone, Johnny and I came up with something different," I noticed Johnny sitting at the desk. "What we'll do is kind of follow you around, but not in a noticeable way. Both of us will have cameras. If Oli comes along, we'll start recording from two different places and get everything he does on tape. That way, there's no risk of the tiny cameras malfunctioning, getting broke, or falling. Ya know?" Nick explained.

"Yeah," I nodded. "But what if Oli catches you or something?"

"He most likely won't. But if he does, we'll work out an escape route beforehand."

"Well, whatever works for you," I shrugged. Right as Nick was about to speak, my phone rang. It was Austin.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Oli just left. I believe an explanation is in order," he reminded me.

"Right. I'll be there in a few minutes. Okay?"

"Sounds good. See you soon."

"Bye," I said, hanging up. I looked at Nick and Johnny. "I gotta go. Apparently Oli just left and Austin wants an explanation. See you guys whenever."

"See ya," Nick waved slightly as I left and made my way back to Austin's dorm.

I got to the door and softly yelled his name as I knocked. He opened up with a serious expression on his face, motioning for me to come in. "So, what is all this about?" He asked.

"It's kind of a long story," I mumbled, sitting on the bed. He took a seat next to me and reached for my hand.

"Start from the beginning, then," he told me. I laced my fingers with his and sighed.

"Well, the other day, I ran into Oli. I thought he was just going to start some friendly conversation with me, but that wasn't exactly the case. He dragged me into the woods and threatened to kill me if I even looked at you or told you what he said. That was why I moved out. I roomed with this guy named Nick and he's been trying to help me catch Oli in the act. Well, Oli pulled me in the woods again today and reminded me of the agreement. Threatened me, the whole bit. Nick and I thought we got it on tape, but the camera malfunctioned somehow and so I have to make him threaten me again while Nick and his boyfriend, Johnny, follow behind with cameras. Long story short, I'm not supposed to be with you because of Oli. But a part of me knew that you're more important than my stupid life," I confessed, looking up at Austin. He was completely awestruck.

"I knew something was up between you two, but not something like that," he said. "But I promise, as long as I'm around, he won't do anything to you."

"And you can't say anything to him about this," I reminded.

"I know, I know."


He smiled at me. "Promise."

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