Chapter Two

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I sat outside for a little longer, not knowing what to do. No one had come anywhere near the dorms, so I couldn't get in with anyone else. Plus, I was too afraid to ask someone to help me. Stupid anxiety. All I wanted was to go and sleep for a really long time, and I couldn't even do that. I had class later, anyways.

After pacing outside the dorms for a while, I saw a familiar face smirking at me through the doors. It was Austin, and he was holding my fucking key. I was about to go batshit on him. I ran up to the door and pounded on it.

"Let me in, asshole!" I demanded. He continued to fiddle with the key and hold it right in front of me. The smirk didn't go away. He seemed to be very amused with this, even though I wasn't.

"Nah, I was thinking more like leaving you out there all night," he said evilly.

"You had better not! I have class later and my books are in there!" I yelled. He wasn't fazed.

"Then you had better figure out a way in before time runs out, gingy," he teased.

"Don't fucking call me that!"

"Gingy, Ginger Prince, Queen Tabby, it's all the same to me. You know, I've heard gingers get very angry when they want to. I'm not sure if that's true or not, but you're making an awfully good display of it. Is it true that gingers don't have souls?" He just kept on going and going, making me angrier by the second. When I got my hands on him...

"Poor Alan looks a bit frustrated. You want the key, don't you?" He asked mockingly.

"Yeah, I do. Now you can let me in or I swear to god I will break you," I threatened.

"Awh, here come the empty threats. Come on, then, break me," he offered, reaching for the handle and opening the door. I caught it and he went running up the stairs the minute I came after him. I wasn't much of a runner, but I had to catch that douche.

By the time I got up the stairs and through the doorway, he was already at the second red door. I kept running. From the end of the hall, I saw him running into our room and locking me out. I stood in front of the door and yelled at him.

"Fucking let me in!" I ordered. I heard him laughing from the inside. "Oh, so this is so fucking funny?!"

"Yeah, kinda," he responded.

"At least give me my fucking book," I tried to bargain.

"Which one?" He asked. Was he actually going to give it to me?

"Music Theory," I answered.

" now I get to mess with you in class, too," he laughed.

"Wait, what?" I backtracked. God, I hoped we didn't have class together.

"Majoring in music? So am I. That means we'll have a lot of classes together," I could practically hear the evil in his voice. The doorknob turned and I was ready to jump in and beat the shit out of him, but when I reached inside, he simply threw the book outside and slammed my fucking arm in the door. I cried out in pain, not minding the crunching sound I heard. That fucker was going to die, I would make sure of it.

"Dude, are you okay?" He actually sounded kind of concerned. I didn't let it get to me, though.

"Oh, yeah. Fucking fabulous. I just got my arm slammed in a door, for one," I said sarcastically. My arm was broken, for god's sake!

"Let me see," he said, touching my arm lightly. I swatted him away.

"Don't fucking touch me. I'll find my own help," I hissed. He looked taken aback by my words.

"Fine, then. I was going to take you to the hospital but I guess you can figure it out yourself," he shrugged and started to go back into the room.

"Wait..." I sighed. He looked back at me.

"Ready to quit playing the tough guy?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and nodded as he led me out of the building to his car.

"So, gingers might actually have souls, then. I mean, the look of pain on your face was unmistakable," he continued to mock me.

"I will jump out of this fucking car," I warned.

"Have fun falling off this bridge, then," he chuckled. I looked out the window and felt my stomach turn, since I had never been a fan of heights.

"Okay, fine. You win," I groaned.

"Good," he looked satisfied. He was really getting under my skin, though I tried not to show it. I mean, how could someone be so attractive but such a douche? I really wished he was a decent guy. That would make things a hell of a lot easier.

We finally pulled in the hospital parking lot and went inside. I felt weird with Austin doing this for me. It was like I was his reckless child or something. Nevertheless, I was still glad he cared enough to take me to get my arm checked out. Maybe there was some hope inside that dark soul of his.

After getting me checked in and stuff, we sat in the waiting room for a while. Austin flipped through some chick magazine, but it was probably only to see the half-naked models. It looked kind of funny, though. Tall, sexy, tattooed Austin looking at a fashion magazine. I giggled softly.

"What?" He looked over to me.

"Nothing," I tried to hide the fact that I wanted to bust out laughing.

"Seriously, why are you over there being all giggly?" He asked, smiling a bit.

"Austin, you're flipping through a fashion magazine. You're either really desperate or really gay," I joked.

"Why not both?"

My eyes widened at his words. But before I could ask, a nurse came around the corner and told me to come with her. I waved to Austin as I disappeared around the corner. His words just bothered me a bit. I shook it off. It was just another joke, right?



*Austin's POV*

Okay, so maybe that was stupid of me to say. I didn't want to give him any hints about my sexuality because I was afraid of scaring him off. I mean, he was absolutely gorgeous. I just hoped he might pick up on the accidental hint and feel the same way.

Oh, who was I kidding? I had been a complete dick to him from the moment we met. I wouldn't expect him to like me in the slightest way, even as a friend. The thing was, I didn't know how not to act this way. I had always felt like I could block out any type of feelings and just do whatever my mind told me to; which was to be a generally mean guy. Once I got used to it, I couldn't control it anymore. Most people hated me. I found myself becoming okay with that, because it meant I had power. But this Alan kid was a whole different animal. I didn't know what it was about him. I just wanted to become putty in his hands and my goddamned mind wouldn't let me.

I sighed and waited for a while longer. Alan finally came back out with a black cast around his arm, looking agitated.

"Of all the fabulous colors, you chose black?" Dammit, doing it again.

"Yeah, problem?" He asked.

"Yeah, you should have gotten orange to match your hair, Tabby." Austin, get your shit together!

"I oughta punch you. I still have one good arm," he threatened.

"I can fix that," I said eagerly. My mind wouldn't stop gushing out these comebacks and I hated it. I tried to focus more on getting to the car.

"So you're back to normal, I see," he muttered.

"Did I ever change?" I questioned. Did I?

"Yeah, you acted all concerned and shit when I broke my arm. Now you're being an ass again. I never should have trusted you to be a decent person." The words hit hard.

"Well, sorry. I didn't know you ever expected it of me."

"To be a normal, friendly human?! That's so much to expect?! Jeez, Austin!" He looked at me angrily before getting in the passenger side of the car. The rest of the ride home was silent.

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