You Took A Part Of Me (Cashby)

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Okay, so here is the Cashby I've been talking about. I'll give warnings on appropriate chapters. It will always be in Alan's POV unless stated otherwise with the "~~~" marker. Capiche? Capiche.

I arrived to the place I had been dreading for a while: college. Everyone talks about it as being the greatest thing ever, with weed and booze and parties and pranks and the whole stereotypical bit, but I was honestly nervous as hell. My mind raced with questions. How difficult would it be? What were my professors like? How would people treat me? Who would I room with? It was all so damn confusing. But I kept on walking, suitcase dragging behind me, and found myself in the main office building.

"Last name, please?" The secretary asked when I walked up to the desk.

"Ashby," I responded. She looked to her computer screen and typed something quickly, looking back up and asking if I was Alan. I nodded. Soon, her attention was back on the screen and I heard a machine start. Probably a printer. She walked back and grabbed the papers from it, handing them to me.

"This is everything you'll need. Schedule, dorm information, things like that," she picked up a piece of plastic and put it on top the papers. "That's your dorm key. If something happens to it, just come back up here and we'll assist. Okay?"

"Okay, thank you," I forced a small smile.

"You're very welcome. The best of luck in your time here."

"Of course."

I hesitantly turned around and walked out, searching for the building labeled "Kenarden Lodge." That was where the dorms were. I must have walked for twenty minutes until I found it, though. The campus was fucking gigantic. My feet were already sore and it wasn't even the end of the first day. I was pretty much screwed.

The building was absolutely extravagant, and maybe even a little posh. It looked like something out of medieval times. The entire thing was made from white bricks with arched green doors and a dark red roof. Every other top floor window had a tower like the ones in old castles. I just had to take it all in for a while; the fact that I would be living here.

I saw that the doors were locked, but I then noticed the card key swiper to the side. I took out the small plastic key and ran it through the slit. This caused a beeping noise and when I pulled on the door, it opened.

I walked in to find two sets of stairs. One went to the left and one went to the right. In front of me was a set of glass doors with a few more staircases beyond it and a giant crystal chandelier. I looked at the map of the dorm building and saw that my room was up the staircase on the right. Going up, I saw a door and opened it. This led me to a hallway with a million more doors. In front of me was a small kitchen-type thing with a microwave, sink, and small refrigerator. How convenient.

I walked a little down the hall and came to a red metal door. It was harder to open than I'd expected, and in front of it was another fucking red door.

What kind of a sick joke was this?!

I sighed and opened it. Looking at the numbers, I finally found mine. Room 140. I didn't even bother to look at who I was dorming with. Ruffling through the papers, I found my dorm information. I saw that my roommate was someone named Austin Carlile. I hoped he was a decent guy.

I swiped the key through the door handle and saw the red light flash. Apparently I had done something wrong. So I swiped it again, only to get the same reaction. I tried the other end and the other direction. Finally, I got the light to flash green and I opened the door.

Inside, I saw someone, presumably Austin, laying in bed with headphones in. He looked shocked when he saw me. He was also undeniably attractive.

"Hi?" He said confusedly.

"Hi. I'm Alan. I guess you didn't get the message that I'm your roommate," I said softly.

"No, I just didn't get the message that you're so...ginger," he said with a chuckle.

"Uhh...excuse me?" I thought I had choked for a second.

"That hair of yours. It's like a flame on your head."

"Yeah, hello to you, too," I muttered, beginning to unpack my things.

"I don't remember saying hello. I was acknowledging the fact that you're like, Queen Tabby. Is that your natural look?" He teased. I was reaching my boiling point with this guy.

"Well I don't remember asking for your opinion," I snapped.

"So you're a feisty one, eh? Feisty ginger cat," he made a "meow" noise.

"Can you kindly shut the fuck up?" I suggested frustratedly.

"Hm...let me think about this one...nah."

"What are you, a fifth grader?" I rolled my eyes.

"Sixth, thank you very much," he corrected sarcastically.

"Oh, so much difference there. Leave me alone," I demanded.

"Sorry, you're stuck with me," he shrugged.

"Whatever. Just don't bother me."

"But I like bothering the ginger kids."

"Fuck you," I spat.

"You'd enjoy that," he snickered. I felt myself blush.

"You know what? Just shut the hell up. I'm going to get some lunch," I said, turning and walking out the door.

"Can't get lunch forever, gingy!" He yelled after me. I tried to ignore it. What was his problem, anyways? Why did he feel the need to torment me? I wasn't exactly enjoying the idea.

I found a quicker exit just outside one of the red doors and took it. I was finally in the fresh air, away from that creep. Sighing, I dragged myself to the Lowry building that contained the dining hall. I really just hoped this whole college thing would be over quickly. My first day was already hell.

I had found out that everything in the cafeteria was free for the first day, so I ate a bit of pizza and grabbed a bottle of Mountain Dew before walking back out. Maybe Austin had cooled his jets. Hopefully.

The walk back was torturous on my feet. I had done far too much walking and I really needed to get a car. That was one of the top priorities. I mean, what college kid didn't have a car? That's right; Alan Ashby didn't. It all sucked really bad and I almost regretted my decision to come to college. Nonetheless, I tried not to let the petty things get me down. I could do this.

Just when I got back to the dorms and was ready to swipe my key, I realized I had left it in the room.

This day could not have gotten any worse.

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