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Michael was right. Luke did get to see him again.

Every night on the day Michael first came to Earth, there was a bright light that shined among the stars. It was like almost waited for him to see, and when he did it danced across the sky like a shooting star.

He was his own star. He had given a star.

And years after when his father surprised him with a screen that had Michael's face on it as he floated somewhere around Mars, it felt like the happiest day of his life.

"You're okay." Luke whispered and Michael grinned as he looked around before at him. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"We did it." He answered and Luke couldn't help but notice he was still just as handsome as when he left. "We won. My people are safe, and we're rebuilding Astellea as we speak."

"And you're prince?"

Michael nodded and Luke held his hand over his heart. "We need to perfect our spacecrafts so I can go see you. I miss you." Luke huffed and Michael perked up.

"We started making movies!" Michael told him and Luke rose an eyebrow. "Many were made about the war, but others wish to know what it was like on an alien planet."

"I don't like that word." Luke warned and the two laughed. "So, I'm basically famous on another planet?"

"Everyone knows the story about how Luke sheltered the prince and protected him from danger." Michael laughed. "Many wish to make movies about dinosaurs vs monsacros."

"You told them about dinosaurs?"

Michael nodded as he began typing on his ship. "I had to. My teacher made everything so interesting that I just had to teach other people."

"Maybe some day we can find a way to initiate our own kind of inter-galactic travel." Mr. Hemmings pondered. "We can make it to Mars. Maybe some kind of drop off?"

"And we can travel with Michael's people to see their planet and learn their customs!" Luke gasped. "We can record the plant life and learn about their history and take notes from their flawless technology. Did you know their satellites stretched over six galaxies to reach us? Can you imagine the breakthroughs we can make if we could do that? If Michael could breathe our air, drink our beverages, and eat our food, surely humans could do the same over there. Unless our bodies are different? Which, it doesn't make sense because I changed Michael and we look pretty similar besides for his co-"

"- Luke!"

He looked between Michael and his father, and they both laughed as he felt his cheeks redden. "S-Sorry, the nerd in me jumped out. I'm just so excited. This is so exciting. I haven't been this geeked since I first saw that it was you who was shooting across the sky." He apologized.

"I'll raise the question with my superiors. Maybe one day humans can come to Astellea." Michael promised. "I have to go. My people need their prince. I'll see you soon."

"Bye, Mikey. Travel safe." Luke waved. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The screen cut out and Luke smiled as he looked at the floor as he felt excitement flood his body.

He was going to see him again, and he was excited because Michael kept his promises. He just had to wait, and he could do that. He would wait forever for him if he asked.


that's it for All Of The Stars We See! Thank you so much for reading/commenting/voting — it means the world and more to me! Especially because this was such a random topic and totally out of the box, I thought it would totally fail but it didn't! Thank you!

For more alien!mikey, totally check out my voltron/5sos au story called Dancing With Our Hands Tied. Totally has spoilers to the show if you've never seen it, but the characters are completely 5sos.

i love you, and see you all around <3

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