chapter five

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It was a long day. Luke was bitter and Michael tip toed around his attitude by only speaking when absolutely necessary, like asking what the toilet was and how it worked, or otherwise remaining quiet in his own world. And sure the blond felt bad for having an attitude, for being a giant sour spot in an otherwise nice day, but he couldn't help it. His insecurities and second doubts of his life was eating him alive, and it was all Michael's fault for being able to read his soul or whatever it was he said.

It ran smoothly with Michael minding his own business and Luke catching up on his own missing assignments, but it all came crashing down when the pizza man dropped off their dinner and Michael made a sour face.

"What is this?" Michael asked as he looked at the food with narrowed eyes and an almost hissing sound. "Is it poison? Do you wish to kill me for my previous wrong doings? I apologized!"

Luke sighed before wiping his mouth of grease, wishing the being would just comply and not throw a fit over the unknown like a child. "It's pepperoni pizza." He stated bluntly. "It's food... not entirely healthy, but good enough."

"Pizza?" He asked as he poked the triangular slice a couple of times. "This orange substance," he rubbed his greasy fingers together experimentally. "- is this for child producing?"

It took a moment for Luke to gather what he asked, but when it finally registered he felt his eyes widen. The blond choked on his food, immediately turning to his sink and spitting out the bite he had as he heard a hum from the man. "It's more slippery than I thought it would be. Is it supposed to smell?"

It's grease.

"It tastes of nothing I ever had." He heard and Luke turned his faucet on so he could get a quick drink of water to break through the food lodged in his throat.

Did he just ask him if grease was lube?

Did an alien ask him if pizza grease was fucking lube?

"It's... good." He commented wearily, and Luke could hear in his tone that he didn't like it. "Do you only have this?"

Luke looked at him as he wiped his mouth again, staring at the figure who eyed the slice as if it would come to life and attempt to kill him. "I haven't gone to the store yet. My fridge is empty." He sighed.


Luke pointed to a stainless steel appliance beside him and Michael's eyes widened as he watched the blond opened it, his eyes running over the empty insides. "It's cold!" He gasped as he jumped away from it, hiding behind the white box of pizza. "Close it!"

Luke shut the refrigerator before pulling his wallet out of his back pocket, mumbling as he counted how much he had left in cash. "Are you hungry?" He asked and Michael looked at him.

"Is this... pizza, all you have to ingest?" He poked at the slice again before looking at his glistening finger. "You ingest this stuff?"

"Yeah, I... I yeah," he nodded as he rubbed his forehead, unable to form a coherent sentence. "Can you stay here? Can I trust you to not get in trouble while I get something a little less oily?"

The being paused before looking at him. "Trouble? Of what kind do you mean?" He pushed and Luke grabbed his arm in agitation before pulling him to his bedroom. "Hey!"

He struggled in his grasp and Luke turned to face him with a blank expression as he let him go. "What is it?"

"I don't appreciate your advances. I don't believe our species would create -"

Luke's eyes widened as Michael began rambling on about their unlikely compatibility and the different appendages they both may have. Only after the mention of never having participated in such lewd acts did the blond realize he was piecing together his actions and what he wrongfully accused of lubricant into something that would have never crossed his mind.

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