All The Stars We See // muke

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" there's a long term saying:
"we were meant to be"
but is that honestly true?
is that all people can see?

the stars map the world
they have been for centuries
but i don't quite think
that they control you and me

because what gods wrote your path
the one that lead you here?
who said youd fall from the sky
at this exact time and year?

who - besides you and i
brought us together that night
and who - besides you and me
are to say what we have is right?

and who else in the galaxy
besides me and besides you
would spin back the time on the clock
just so we can have just one more redo?

in all of my time here
i never met someone as bright as a star
and just for you my love
i would travel to galaxies near and far

no force can stop what we hold
no distance will lessen my love
and every night i'll see you there
in every twinkling star plastered above

you told me these stars were mine
that we were one of the same
though different homes across the sky
the same exact stardust floods our veins "

[ luke hemmings x michael clifford ]
• past - ashton irwin x luke hemmings


alien!michael and human!luke
• inspired by, but not at all related to, voltron: legendary defender

All The Stars We See // mukeWhere stories live. Discover now