chapter eight

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His father didn't have his engineers or scientists take apart the shuttle they found, instead they supposedly lifted it with heavy machinery and are working to transport it as a whole to their underground facility for research. It was in transit as they spoke, and would be heavily guarded with only the most trustworthy military personnel his money could get him. Considering the amount of zero's behind his name, Luke concluded that would be only the best.

Luke pretended to be shocked and surprised at the discovery when it first came out, unlocking the look of amazement and starry eyes as his parent explained the aircraft and the theories on why it was found empty. He asked dumb questions, childish in a way he realized but scientific nonetheless about extraterrestrial life and other planets known around their solar system that were theorized to be capable of holding life.

"Admiral Charles believes he saw tracks in the sand that lead toward the city whilst investigating, meaning someone may have found it before us, but yesterday morning they have all blown over." He sighed as Luke felt his bones chill. "There's no viable evidence to support his claim, so for now we believe the pilot may have ejected himself out."

Luke nodded awkwardly, taking a drink of his iced coffee as his father sighed. "I hope he is wrong. If someone had gotten it before us, who knows what kind of danger they could put the world in. We have no idea the capabilities of this unknown specimen."

"Why Earth?" Luke tried steering the conversation away from otherworldly beings and the inevitable danger he could have singlehandedly put himself in. "Why crash land on Earth?"

"We have an abundance of materials and not to mention water, which is the root of all life. Why not Earth?" His father intercepted, and the younger blond sighed as he looked at his plate. "The aircraft is like nothing we've ever seen before, but it seems to have shut down completely in the crash. No amount of power can get it running."

Luke chuckled at his father's defeated look as he stared at a wall. "Maybe it needs alien power instead of out electricity." He taunted, but it immediately perked the man up.

"Perhaps..." he trailed off as he furrowed his greying eyebrows. "Luke, perhaps you're right. Maybe the pod is connected to it's pilot. It's a possibility."

Luke widened his eyes as his father sat up straighter and used his fingers to count whatever was running around in his head. He looked mad. If anyone else was looking, they'd probably call him crazy.

"The shuttle is missing a piece that looks almost like a wishbone, perhaps it's a key that activates it. Or maybe it does need a sort of life force connection." He ran the possibilities into the air. "It's almost... crown shaped. Perhaps a member of royalty! With exquisite machinery... it's only fitting for the best! Thank you for helping me, Lucas."

He ruffled Luke's hair, making the blond laugh lightly and scrunch his nose up in faux annoyance, before he stood up and grabbed his cost. "I must get going now. I have to pitch this idea to the scientists. They'll need me."

"Can I go?" Luke wondered hopefully, and his father sighed as he tossed a couple of crisp bills on the table. "I can help you."

"I'm afraid not. Your brain is still developing, and you have much to learn still. Enjoy your Sunday, Luke." He brushed him off before walking towards the door with a hop in his step. "My discovery will open so many new doors!"

Luke sighed, resting his chin in his hand as he stared at the empty seat in front of him. He could hear the car taking off, and he looked down at his fries before pushing it away from him.

What a fool he was to think his father actually wanted to spend time with him. He only used him for his own input, to make himself seem greater than he was. It's what he's always done. It's what he should be accustomed to by now.

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