chapter six

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Luke smiled at the living room as he saw Michael's amazed figure sitting cross legged on the floor with his jaw dropped and eyes wide. The room was dark, his curtains pulled to cover the moonlight and lamps switched off to aid the being's discovery in a night light. Golden rays shaped as stars filled the room, rotating slowly and filling the entire room in specks. They were strong, dancing across the walls and shooting along the ceiling.

Then there were two kids, two boys laying on hard, marble flooring at midnight as arguments climbed up the stairs and into their secret room, bouncing off the white walls decorated in a firey yellow haze. Maybe it wasn't secret, but the dust they had cleaned off and the fort they built months ago stayed intact and not once has an adult bothered them. Hidden. A small, the smallest room they'd found in the house, covered with glimmering stars.

He remembers having the same admiration and wonderstruck look on his face all those years ago — a childlike glow, the most innocent of emotions.

And Michael was amazed. Neck craned, hands sprawled behind him flat on the rug, eyes glimmering while following their movements, and his skin glowing a bright orange and yellow tone. It was almost bright enough to counteract the night light, but didn't he have a sweater on? Shouldn't it be covered?

Luke hissed as he immediately felt a sharp pain in his hand and quickly raised his finger to his mouth, the taste of blood and garlic dancing on his tongue. "Idiot." He scolded himself as he immediately walked to the sink to rinse it off.

He folded a bandage over the small cut and then turned around, finding a figure standing at the opening of his kitchen. "I heard you. Are you alright?"

Luke brushed his worry off. "I just nicked myself. I'm fine."

Michael's eyes watched him as he chopped up some green beans and then threw them into a heated skillet. "Where did the ball of light come from?" He asked and Luke stirred the food to make sure it didn't stick or burn.

"It was my brother's." He replied shortly. "I don't know where he got it from, but he gave it to me when we parted."

"It's magnificent." Michael told him and the blond smiled as he nodded. "It reminds me of my travel. The stars were spectacular, and it never got old to see them pass."

"Yeah..." Luke trailed off before pouring the contents of the skillet into a bowl.

"At home, our sun doesn't set the way your's does. It stays up, but the moon makes it's rotation to block it's blue light. Only once a-a year does it turn." He explained and Luke handed him the dish. "It smells better."

"I hope you like it." Luke said simply as he leaned against the counter and turned his stove off. "It's a stir-fry."

Michael looked at his fork in confusion, eyes running over it before holding it tightly and stabbing it into his bowl. Luke couldn't hide his amused chuckle at his actions before grabbing his hand and easing it gently down. "It's already dead. Easy does it."

Michael looked at him and he nodded before copying his actions. The blond watched as he raised the metal to his lips, immediately closing his lips around it to chew.

His eyes widened, then he stared down at the bowl with that same awestruck look as earlier before shovelling more into his mouth. He tried to talk, and Luke could make out that he really enjoyed the meal, but it was still muffled and almost incoherent.

I'm glad you like it." He nodded and then looked down at the floor before walking away. "I-I need to change into something to sleep in. I'll leave you a change of clothes as well."

"Thank you."

Luke just nodded before heading to his room, immediately shutting the door behind him as he took a deep, shaky breath. He slowly stepped to his closet before grabbing a pair of sweats and a tank-top, neither of which had his work's logos sprawled on it. He stripped his clothes off slowly, his body tired from stress and his eyes heavy with sleep.

Should he make Michael sleep on the couch? It was rather hard and uncomfortable, but at the same time, he didn't want to sleep on the couch either. He had hardwood as well, so it's not like either id them could sleep on the floor without complaining in the morning. It wasn't a problem the other night because he didn't get any sleep, but now he was tired.

Was sharing the bed out of the question?

He cursed himself for even considering the option. Michael was a stranger. Not only was he someone he barely knew, but he was from a planet he didn't even know existed. And besides, sharing the bed with a man? His father would kill them both if he ever found out. Of course it's out of the question.

He grabbed another pair of sweats before heading out of his room, stopping to find Michael laid out on the carpet with his eyes closed. His arms were folded behind his head, and his colored patches were beating a steady yellow as they dimmed, then brightened, then dimmed again.

"Michael?" He asked, but got silence in return.

He must have fallen asleep while watching the lights. He sighed and then bent down, wondering if he should wake him up to change or let him stay there. It couldn't be too uncomfortable if he had fallen asleep there.

Luke hates being a good, easily persuaded by guilt, kind of person. He knew if he didn't wake Michael up to change and go sleep in his room, he'd feel bad when he saw the other wake up and show any kind of discomfort. It was just how he was programmed. Kindness and selflessness was wired into his head, and it's what made him set a steady hand on Michael's shoulder to shake him awake.

"Hey," he whispered. "Michael."

The being's pointed ear twitched, and Luke sucked in a breath as he shifted.

That was fucking cute.

"Michael, wake up." He continued and the being flinched before opening his eyes.


He nodded as he helped him sit up. "Go change." He instructed as he handed him his pants. "Go sleep in my bed."

"No, I'm okay here. Back home -"

"- well we aren't at your home, we're in mine. If anyone is sleeping on the floor, it isn't my guest." Luke cut him off and Michael tilted his head up to look at him as he hummed.

"Can I take the lights?"

Luke nodded as he handed him the ball off the coffee table. "Go ahead." He offered and Michael cradled both the night light and the sweats to his chest before standing up.

"Before you sleep, can I do something for you?" Michael asked and Luke furrowed his eyebrows together.


Michael hurried to set his things in the room, but only a second later he was coming back with the pillow and duvet. "What are you -"

He tore down his fort made of sheets, tucked his boots back into their home on the shelf, and then made what looked to be a bed on the soft rug. The being tossed the pillow on top of it before pushing Luke to lay down, nearly knocking his head into the foot of his coffee table.

Soon a thick blanket was covering his shoulders, and he smiled as Michael grinned in accomplishment. "Goodnight." He nodded and Luke yawned.

"Night." He returned before closing his eyes and hearing Michael'a footsteps disappear. There wasn't enough to sound like he was going to his room, but Luke was too exhausted to care.

1315 words

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