Revival of Weirdmageddon: Part II

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"Yeah! Another win for the Pines twins!" Aris cheered triumphantly. "Or, Northwest twins now, I guess."

"Closing the tear was just the first part. We still have to get rid of the rest of the chaos that leaked into our world" Athena reminded him. "Speaking of which, how do you think this Apocalypse was started? Do you think our mom was a part of it?"

"Probably, considering that the memory gun she invented had something to do with it" Aris replied, unaware of the creature that was ascending right behind them.

"Hey, not to sound random or anything, but don't you think that it's weird that we haven't faced the evil overlord responsible for this Apocalypse by now?"

"Evil Overlord?That's flattering, kid, but I'd say it's more like, Supreme Ruler of the Universe, Time, and Space!" said the creature.

Both of the twins' eyes widened, before they slowly turned around to see who had spoken.

What they found was the last thing that either of them had expected.

Floating in front of them was a yellow triangle, probably one foot in height at most, with a top hat, a cane, and a single eye.

Aris didn't feel the least bit threatened. He shot a huge grin at the newcomer.

"You must be the being behind this lovely Apocalypse! Love your style by the way, though it's a bit geometric for my taste" he said, as if he were talking to a friend rather than an evil space demon.

"I'm Aris, this is my twin sister, Athena. And what's yours?"

"Bill Cipher" Bill replied. "And you two must be my new floor polish! Human blood does wonders to scratches on marble surfaces."

Aris laughed at that last statement.

"That's funny, cause last I checked, there was no point to cleaning something that's gonna be destroyed soon."

Bill started laughing as well, his body growing even larger with each passing second, until he was the size of the entire Fearamid.

The twins clutched onto each other a little tighter as they looked up at him.

"Oh, look at you. Acting like you can actually do something about it" Bill said. "Last chance, before I mop the Fearamid floors with your blood, get rid of the portal."

"Now, what would be the point if you're going to do that anyways?" said Aris, as he reached into his jacket pocket.

Suddenly, he whipped out the electro-ray, and fired it right into Bill's eye.

Bill cried out in agony, clutching his eye as his body began to rotate slowly.

"Argh! Why is it always the eye?"

"Aim for that bubble!" Athena exclaimed to her brother, pointing towards a blue bubble that was floating towards the base of the Fearamid.

They each let go of the tip and started to slide down the surface, only a few yards away from their ticket out of there.

But Athena's eyes widened as she caught sight of a corner of Bill's body coming their way as he was rotating in pain.

"Look out!"

Bill's body smashed right into them, the force so great that it actually broke through the Fearamid wall. The twins landed on the polished marble floor inside the Fearamid.

They were groaning in pain, and just starting to lift themselves off the ground, when Bill's low voice echoed throughout the entire room,

"Ready or not, here I come!"

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