Revival of Weirdmageddon: Part I

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From outside the Mystery Shack, the faint sounds of punches and cries of pain behind the wooden walls lasted for only a few seconds, before it finally went dead silent.

Suddenly, the door was suddenly kicked down, revealing Aris and Athena, covered in ample cuts and bruises, but alive.

Both of their eyes widened at the sight they found outside the Mystery Shack.

The town was in desolate ruins underneath a blood orange sky. The few remains of the town that were left were being demolished by the endless monsters rampaging everything in their path. There were countless multi-colored bubbles floating around the entire place as well.

But worst of all was the pink tear in the sky shaped like an X, where the monsters appeared to be emerging from, and floating underneath it was a massive dark pyramid with yellow light peeking through the cracks.

Aris whistled.

"Okay, I know my memory isn't the best, but I'd say that I'm pretty sure this wasn't here before in the present."

Athena, however, was looking at the entire scene with a distraught expression.

"I...I don't understand" she murmured. "All we did was take the memory gun, how did that cause this?"

"I don't know, but maybe we could stop it?" Aris suggested.

"And how do you suggest that we do that?"

"Well, it looks like the source of all this, er, whatever all this is, is that weird X-thing in the sky" Aris said, pointing towards the pink tear. "If we could somehow close it, that should at least stop any more monsters from entering."

"Aris, we just travelled back through time and altered a single event. Who knows how long this has been going on for! There could be hundreds, possibly thousands, of monsters in our world already!"

"One problem at a time, sis. Think about it this way: if we close the tear where all these monsters are coming from, then there'd be less of a mess for us to clean up."

Athena considered that logic for a moment before looking back up at her brother.

"Okay, so how do we do that?"

Aris looked away from her, a nervous smile crossing over his face as he scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably.

"I was hoping that you would come up with that part."

Athena sighed, and looked around, admittedly having no idea what she was looking at. Was this the Apocalypse? Is this how the world ended? How had her brilliant plan ended with causing an Apocalypse in the present?

She forced those thoughts away with great effort, concentrating on coming up with a plan instead.

How in the world were they going to close that tear? There wasn't anything on Earth that could close that portal.

But...what if they didn't have to close it?

She turned towards her brother, a spark of excitement evident in her eyes.

"How big of a portal can you generate with that watch?"

The twins were watching massive pyramid floating just a few yards away from the edge of the cliff they were standing on.

"I don't know about you, but if I were an evil overlord of the Apocalypse and I needed a fortress, a pyramid wouldn't exactly be the first thing that would come to mind" said Aris.

"You're just saying that because you're jealous you didn't think of it" Athena replied, as she observed the pyramid through a pair of binoculars. "How close do you need to be?"
"To open a portal of that size? As close as you can get me without getting me sucked into the giant X in the sky."

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