Return to Gravity Falls

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Athena took one look at the screen, and completely forgot about what she had been saying to her brother.
The entire screen was filled with names in a list that seemed to go on infinitely. There were short names and long names, but they all had one thing in common.
They all ended with the name 'Northwest.'
"Whoa, that's a lot of relatives we've never met" Athena said, looking at all the people woven into the tree. "But which one is our dad?"
"You really think I know?" said Aris, as he scrolled down through the list of names. "Let's see...Nicholas Northwest, Noah Northwest, Nathaniel Northwest, Nathaniel Northwest, Nathaniel Northwest, Nathaniel Northwest..."
Athena frowned.
"For Heaven's sake, are you going to name all the Nathaniel Northwests in the country?"
Aris raised an eyebrow at her questioningly.
"Of all the British movies you could have chosen to reference, you picked Pride and Prejudice?"
"Well not all good movies are packed with mindless action and pointless plots."
He rolled his eyes and continued his search, reading the names aloud.
"Nelson Northwest, Nigel Northwest, Norton Northwest...who names their kid 'Southeast Northwest'?"
Athena sighed in annoyance, and her head dropped into her hand.
"This is not getting anywhere" she said. "Look up the most recent ones."
Aris typed a few commands into the computer, and suddenly the entire list of names disappeared, and there was a single name left on the screen.
"Pacifica Elise Northwest."
He clicked on her name, and pulled up all the information onto the screen.
"The last known Northwest descendant. Age: thirty seven. Location: Gravity Falls, Oregon."
Athena's eyes widened.
"The town Uncle Dipper moved away from after he took us in" she said. "That can't be a coincidence."
"Guess I know where we're going tonight" said Aris, as he rolled up his sleeve and started to type in 'Gravity Falls' into his teleporter watch.
"Wait!" said Athena. "Do you really expect Pacifica Northwest to just let us into her home? What are you gonna say, 'Hi, we're possibly long lost relatives of yours, and we were hoping that you would tell us who our dad is'?"
Aris gasped.
"I'm insulted that you think so little of me!" he said. He pulled out a heat ray and held it up in the air.
"I was planning on ransacking her house and holding her at gunpoint to make her talk."
Athena sighed, and grabbed the device out of his hand.
"If we're going to do this, we're going to do it in a way that won't end with us getting thrown into a jail cell."
Aris crossed his arms over his chest.
"I suppose you have a plan, Sherlock?"
"Yes, I actually do" said Athena with a serious tone. "Now if we're leaving tonight, we have to cover up our absence."
She walked over to her bed, pulled up the covers, and shoved a few pillow down a short line before pulling the covers back over them.
Aris was giving her a questioning look.
"Now I may not be a genius here, but I'm pretty sure that Not-Dad won't fall for that old trick" he said.
Athena had already moved on to his bed.
"He won't" she said. "That's why we're going to be back before he checks on us. These are just for backup in case we don't get back in time."
She rolled up her sleeve, revealing her own watch. However, unlike Aris's, hers was an ordinary watch.
She pressed several buttons, setting an alarm on the watch.
"He checks on us once every night, at exactly 11:00 pm. We're going to get back before then, and tuck ourselves into our beds just in time for his arrival."
She then closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, before opening them again.
She held out her hand towards her brother.
"You ready?"
Aris typed the last commands into his watch and spun its face, before slamming down onto it, and grabbing his sister's outstretched hand.
The two of them disappeared in a flash of purple light.

They reappeared in a rather dark environment, surrounded by tall, ominous trees.
Aris took in a deep whiff of the air.
"Ah, nothing like the smell of deer poop and mold to start off the night!" he said rather cheerfully.
Athena rolled her eyes, and pulled out the cell phone that the two of them shared.
"Here we go" she said, looking up Pacifica's address. "It's 301 Oakwood street. A couple of blocks away from here."
The twins trudged through the forest until they finally reached the edge of civilization.
It was a rather small town that was made up of only a few streets and buildings built along the sides of them. The town itself was built between a large lake, a waterfall, and a cliff with an old railroad going through it. There was a water tower standing above it all that read 'Gravity Falls.'
There was nobody out because it was nighttime, so it was almost like a ghost town.
Aris was walking nonchalantly through the night, not scared in the least bit. Sure, it was so dark that he could barely even see anything, but the excitement of being in a completely new place, open space with no walls that stretched on for miles trumped over any fear that he had.
The cool, crisp air seemed to awaken his senses, taking in everything he could about the world he had never seen before.
Freedom had never felt so...cold.
Aris shivered and looked over at his sister to see that her body was trembling too.
He pulled off his sweatshirt, and wrapped it around her shoulders.
She stiffened at the gesture at first, and looked at him, her mouth starting to open as she was about to say something.
However, it wasn't long before she shut her mouth again.
Even though she was wearing two jackets, it looked like she was still trembling.
They finally reached the house at 301 Oakwood street.
It was a medium sized house painted a pale yellow color with white fencing, white windows, and a white door. The light colors contrasted with the darkness around it like a rose among thorns.
The twins walked up onto the front porch, and stood in front of the door.
Athena took in a deep breath, and took a long pause before starting to raise her fist up to the door.
But before she could even touch the wood, Aris suddenly rang the doorbell.
She spun around to face him, and he merely shrugged.
"What? It didn't look like you were gonna knock any time soon."
The door swung open, and the two of them looked up into the face of the woman behind it.
Pacifica Northwest was a few inches shorter than their Aunt Mabel, with a rather curvy build, large hips, and narrow shoulders. She had beach blonde hair tied back into a french braid, purple mascara, and a pointy nose. She was wearing a thin white nightgown that flowed in the breeze.
At first, she had looked straight forward, expecting to see an adult, and when she finally looked down she caught sight of the two children standing on her porch.
She didn't look very pleased to see them.
"If this is a prank, you'd better get off my property before I sue you" she snapped with an irritated voice.
Aris scoffed before Athena could stop him.
"If you're gonna sue anyone, it should be your cosmetologist."
Pacifica's face froze with outrage for a good minute, before she whipped out a cell phone.
"How dare you! I'm calling your parents!" she seethed. "I know every single person in this hick town. What kind of mother raised you with manners like that? Shandra Jimenez?"
"(y/n) Pines" Athena replied.
With that one name, Pacifica suddenly froze. She stared at the twins with her jaw dropped so low that it could have fallen off of her face.
The cell phone slipped from her fingers.
Then without warning, she suddenly grabbed the two children and pulled them inside, shutting the door behind them.

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