Prepping for the Cotillion

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We were at school. The girls were talking to Jay. Hi, Jay. A girl said. Jay said, Hey. Another one said, Jay. Hey, what's up? He said. Hi. Another girl said. Carlos said, Why do you torture them? Just pick someone to take to Cotillion already. Carlos said. I'm going solo. That way, I can dance with all of them. Jay said.

Ah! You're the expert. Um, Jay... if you were gonna ask someone, what's the best way to go? Carlos said. Jaysaid, Listen, all you got to do... is look like me. I laughed. Oh, ha-ha. Carlos said and soon Jane came up saying, Gabby, Mal. I let everyone call e Gabby or Gabs now.

Hey, Jane. Carlos said and Jane said, Hey. Carlos was going to ask her out but the he said, I was wondering...uh... if you liked the.... carrot cake last night. I had the pumpkin pie. Jane said. Oh, cool. Um, uh-- Carlos said. Jay came up and said, Smooth.

I have an opening for a fitting at 3:00. Who wants it? Evie said. Lonnie ran up and said, Me! Sorry. Evie said, Perfect. I'll take you later. Gabby? Mal? Jane said. Yes? I said for both of us. I hate to keep bugging you, but the decorating committee needs more answers. So, as much as I hate to, um... you know, um... Jane said.

Bug us? Mal said. Right. Jane said. Yeah, Jane, I would love to. I just have to get to class. But Gabby could help. Mal said. Yeah that's fine, I do have a free period. I said. Great but first I need both of your help, then I'll ask just Gabby. You know, just nod if you like it. Jane said. Okay. Mal said.

Chair swags. Entry banner. Twinkle lights. Napkin design. Table bunting. And you still haven't picked the party favors yet. Jane said. Honestly, Jane, whatever you think-- Mal said trying to get out of this. I mean, we can do chains, key charms, pen toppers. I kind of love the pen toppers, but, I mean, we can do all three. Jane said.

Soon I noticed Mal's eyes turn green. I say pen toppers. Said Mal. Jane said, Yeah? What about you Gabby? Yeah. I like it still worrying for her. Her eyes were green... You won't regret it. She said. Okay. I said for us.

I can hardly wait to see what your wedding will look like! Lonnie said. Me, too. Wait! What?! Mal said. The Royal Cotillion is like getting engaged to be engaged to be engaged. Jane said. I knew it! Evie said, Lonnie said, Well, everyone knows it. Yeah, Ben told me and actually gave me a ring.

Mal said, I didn't know it! How come nobody told me that? Is my entire life just planned out in front of me. Ben came up behind me. Hi, Babe. He whispered in my ear. Parker soon hugged Mal and said, Hi Mal. Lonnie, Jane and Evie said Hi, Parker and Ben. I laughed. Oh, oh. Quick moment. Jane said pulling Ben and Parker to the side.

Third Point of View

Uh... Ben said. All right, they're almost finished with the surprise for Gabby and Mal's big night. Snow White, Belle. But the one you designed for Mal and Gabby are my favorite. Make sure she's wearing red with dark reds Ben said knowing Gabby's favorite color and Parker said, Make sure her eyes are green. Uh... see you later. Said Parker. Mal said, Okay. Gabriella smiled and grabbed Ben's hand once he was done and they soon walked off holding hands

In Mal, Gabby, and Evie's dorm

What about peacock feathers? Yeah, I bet you nobody's gonna have those at Cotillion. Chad said. Chad, when I look at you, all I can think of is... "king." Chad gasped and Evie said, And fake fur... Uh-huh. ...fake fur says it all. Loud and clear. Doug said.

Amphitheater in five! Jay said entering. Chad said, Why did the coach make him captain instead of me? I'm obviously better. "King Chad," though. I do rather like that. You know who else would like that? Who? Evie said.

Chad said, Audrey. Evie replied, She would. Chad, let's go. Jay said. Chad said, I'm coming. Yeah. Oh. Evie and Doug said at the same time. Not a lot of there there. Someone's obviously having some trouble dealing with his break-up with Audrey. Evie said.

Yes. I've been doing the numbers. Doug said and Evie said, Yeah? Doug said, And after we collect from all the girls for their gowns and Chad's cape... Evie said, Wow! No wonder people work. What am I gonna do with all this money? Doug said, I think in the next few years, you could buy that castle you always wanted. That way, you wouldn't need a prince. Evie said, You're right, I don't. Because I have you.

At Auradon Prep near the Lockers

Hi, Mal. Parker said. Hi. Mal said. I have a little surprise for you. Parker said. Mal then said, Again? Wow. That's like every day now. Or every other day. The even dates. Because you're... even more perfect than I thought. Parker said. Mal said, That is me. I am perfect.

Parker said, Come on, let me spoil you. You didn't have a lot growing up. Mal said, We managed. Parker saw her spell book in her locker and grabbed it. Hey, didn't you donate that to the museum? He said. Is that still in there? Um, I got to get to class. I really don't want to be late. Said Mal.

No. You come this way. First off... Ta-da! Parker said. What?! Mal said suprised. You like it? Parker said showing Mal her new scooter. Park... does an ogre like cheese puffs? This is amazing! It's purple. I didn't get you anything. She said.

You're taking me on a picnic with all my favorite foods, remember? Parker said. No, that's Thursday. Mal said. It is Thursday. Parker said. Mal said, No, it's not. Yes, it is. Parker said again. No, it's not. Mal said and once again Parker said, It is. Mal said, I knew that.

I mean, if you don't have it, that's fine. Said Parker. Mal said, No, no, no. I was fully messing with you. I knew it was Thursday. I just have one more thing to go bake, and then I am all yours. Parker then said, Well, what about class? Mal said, She multi tasks. She dabbles. Parker said and Mal said, She dabbles. You're the best! Parker said and Mal said, That's me!

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