not a chapter but pls read lmao

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This isn't a chapter but I would really appreciate if you read this.

I've been seeing a lot of body shaming online lately and it's really pissing me off. Body shaming is a broad term that refers to the shaming of people with any body type, skinny or fat.

I'm going to be blunt - having a big ass is 'in' right now. Idk I guess guys like grabbing it or whatever, but nevertheless, everyone seems to want one. That lead to a whole thing on being curvy is sexy and references back to Marilyn Monroe as being bigger but still seen as one of the sexiest women on the planet in her time.

Curvy is sexy; most of my women crushes are what society would call 'curvy'. Like damn, have you seen Beyonce? My main problem is that now people are making skinny people feel like absolute shit for being thin.

I've seen so many songs referring to thin people as 'skinny bitches' and can I just fucking point out how offensive that is? They physique of a person does not determine their personality. That goes both ways. It gets my blood boiling to hear that in music, it really does. There is nothing wrong with being a thin person. There is nothing wrong with having a thigh gap. Just like there is nothing wrong with being heavier or not having a thigh gap. It's the way your body is built - embrace it.

I'm a thin person; I'm sure you could tell by how passionate my arguement above was. I have skinny arms, a flat stomach, and a thigh gap. I saw somebody post a picture of my general body type on twitter with the caption 'goals' or something along those lines. Then, some magcon guy (no disrespect to magcon intended) replied to her saying 'not attractive tbh' and I literally wanted to cry.

I understand what he was trying to do, I really do. But by trying to make that one person feel better about themselves, he's made anybody with that body type feel really shitty. I really wish people would understand that there is a way of making people feel good without insulting other people.

I have been so insecure about my body type for so long. My calves are literally so thin that an average male can wrap their fingers around it all the way and still have room. I've been called a stick so many times, and I can't tell you how many times someone has told me to 'eat something' or that I'm 'anorexic'. I will get so upset; I've literally had to be excused from class because someone called me anorexic and I started crying.

Some thin people, like myself, literally have no control over their weight. Myself, for example, I have a high metabolism, meaning my body burns off calories a lot quicker and it's much harder for me to gain weight, so shaming me on something that I can't control makes me feel like shit. I've started crying because I'm so worried that being thin is a bad thing and that no one could possibly love me if you can see the outline of my ribs.

For the most part, I'm confident. I still have days where I hate my legs, but don't we all, right?

Basically, the point of this is to tell you that you should not worry about what others look like. Strive to make yourself happy with the way you look. Telling someone they have a small ass should not be an insult, as well as telling someone they have a big ass shouldn't be an insult. If someone tells you that, say thanks. If they say it wasn't a compliment, tell 'em to shove off and continue being the fabulous person you are.

It honestly shouldn't matter what size you are. Society today focuses so much on looks that it seems personality is forgotten. It shouldn't be like that.

Next time you're looking in the mirror and wishing you had a thigh gap, look at this. Next time you're looking in a mirror and wishing you don't have a thigh gap, look at this.

Remember that I love you guys no matter what, and if you ever need to rant or talk about insecurities, I'm always here. Hell, chances are I've faced the same problems as you.

You're all incredibly beautiful. Please don't forget that. :)

(ps I really hope I didn't offend anyone in this bc that literally was not my intention at all)



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