So yeah, things are changing a bit

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Ok so I've hit a total block with this story and it's pissing me off. i do this with all my fanfictions - I know how i want them to start and end, but i have no idea what to do IN BETWEEN AND IT'S SO ANNOYING UGH. Like i have a really good idea for a story arc but it can't come until later on in this story and i need to get through like February and March of last year (since this isn't AU or anything) and i'm so excited for what happens after. So basically what I'm saying is that this chapter may be long and it could be a little boring and it will suck ok bye



So yeah, basically I get to spend my Friday afternoon - once I get back from completing my last exam of course -  listening to my best friends take over Radio Disney, ready to Planet Premiere their first actual single. It's emotional, I'm not going to lie. I've been there since the beginning and now they're finally starting to blow up. 

Well, not literally but you get the idea.

I blot the nail polish on my fingers to blend it as I absentmindedly listen to Radio Disney. My ears immediately perk up once I hear their voices. I smile as I listen to them greet their listeners. 

After a little while, Ernie D starts interviewing them a little between songs. "Hey Ross." He says. 

"Yeah?" Ross replies. 

"Uh, we would like to ask you about a certain link to a video you tweeted not too long ago." Ernie says and I immeditately know what he's talking about. My mom rushes into the room, but I shush her before she has a chance to say anything. 

"Oh." Rocky says in a slightly high pitched, slightly amused voice. I can practically feel Ross squirm through the radio waves. 

"What do you want to know about it?" Ross' voice cracks a little and I laugh. Apparently the rest of the band caught his little issue and all I could hear is a roar of giggles and laughter, and the slight sound of Ross' hand making contact with one of his siblings. 

"Just tell em everything, Ross." I hear Ellington chuckle. 

Ross clears his throat and begins to tell a shortened version of everything that has transpired in the past three months. "So yeah, that's pretty much it." He finishes the story with a short laugh. I silently thank him for the fact that he didn't mention my recent problems with Ethan not calling me (he did apologize for that one FaceTime incident, but still hasn't changed his ways) and my recent, erm, closeness with Ross. Basically he's there when Ethan isn't. I've been doing a lot of crying into his shirt ("what am I doing wrong, Ross? I don't know what to do!"), he's been doing a lot of comforting ("you're not doing anything wrong, Courntey. He's just being an ass, like most guys are") and we're both guilty of doing an excessive amount of cuddling. But Ethan doesn't need to know that. 

"But you're not over this girl, are you?" Ernie asks and Ross sighs. 

"Nope, not even close."

I actually heard the hearts of teenaged girls across the country breaking in half. Mine on the other hand, is swelling and beating out of control. My mom, being the incredibly giddy person she is, just turns and gives me a grin so wide that the Cheshire Cat would probably be jealous. 

After a few more minutes, they finally play Loud. My mom and I are jumping on my bed and screaming so loud that Jason and Dad come running in to see what's wrong. Then, they start jumping and screaming as well, out of pride for our second family. It's just a mess of girlishly loud screaming and giddiness - we're honestly a family of children. 

Love To Love Her (A Ross Lynch/R5 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now