The big change

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"You're sure you're good Court?" Rydel asks me over the phone.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just a nobody to them." I reply, referring to the people at school.

"Well, you're not a nobody to us. You never have and you never will be." She says. I smile to myself. I have the best friends ever.

"Thanks girl. Listen, I have to go get some homework done and I'll talk to you guys later." I tell her. She says bye and we hang up. As I'm going to put my phone back on the charger, I stop and look at myself in the mirror.

I'm so sick of being a background person; someone who never gets a second glance. I grab my bag and my wallet and run downstairs.

"Mom, I'm going out. I'll be back in a few hours." I call. She comes out of the kitchen.

"What about your homework?" She asks.

"Ill get it done, I promise." I say before heading out the door.

I head to the mall and pick out pretty much an entirely different wardrobe. Then I go to the hair salon and get my hair ombréd. When I get home, I smile to myself. Three hours and $500 well spent. My mom walks out and almost drops her wooden spoon.

"Courtney..... You look so..... Different." She whispers. I smile.

"Good different or bad different?" I ask. She smiles back.

"Good different. I like it." She replies. I walk upstairs and put my bags on my bed. I grab my phone and download the twitter and Instagram apps.

That's right. Courtney "not in the 21st century" Fitzgerald has just made two new social media accounts.

I'm breaking out. I'm not sitting on the sidelines anymore.

------ three days later-------

Fridays are always my favourite days because sometimes my mom lets me skip school to go to the Austin and Ally set.

Today is one of those Fridays.

She drops me off at the set around 11 and I head in to what, over the past three years, has become my third home.

Laura sees me walking down the halls and her jaw drops.

"Court, you look gorgeous today." She gushes. Laura is also one of my good friends. All the fans seem to think that we have a "competition" for Ross, but it's not true. We're such close friends.

I smile in return. "Thanks Laura. I decided it was time to stop living in the shadows." I tell her. She hugs me.

"I'm so proud of you." She tells me.

I walk into Ross's dressing room and everyone's mouth drops.

"Courtney......" Ryland mutters.

"Your clothes....." Rocky says.

"Your hair....." Ross adds in the same tone of voice.

I look down at my outfit. A skull printed shirt, a baggy patterned cardigan, jeans, and combat boots. My hair is slightly curled. "You don't like it?" I ask, slightly hurt.

"No.... You look great!" Rydel assures me. Rocky winks.

"And if this thing with Ross doesn't work out, you know where to find me." He says.

"There is no thing!" Ross and I exclaim at the same time.

Rocky rolls his eyes. "Keep telling yourself that. Ross thinks you look hot." Rocky states. Ross blushes.

He's blushing. Does that mean its true. I shake it off. There's no way that Ross Lynch would ever like me. Especially after we've told everyone that we wouldn't like each other.

"Anyways, I made a twitter and Instagram." I announce.

Their jaws dropped. "No way." Riker says.

"Way. It's @itsmecourtney so follow me up bitchessss." I joke.

They all pull out their phones and within seconds I have a bunch of notifications on twitter.

"@rossR5: it must be the apocolypse or something because Courtney made a twitter @itsmecourtney"

"@rockyR5: it's about freaking time you got with the year, @itsmecourtney"

"@rydelR5: yay, now I can tweet you and stuff @itsmecourtney 😜"

"@ratliffR5: hi 👋 @itsmecourtney"

"@officialR5: hey guys, you should all check out @itsmecourtney's twitter. She's a good friend of ours-Riker \o/"

Wow. From those tweets, I gained like 3000 followers, which is weird considering that I haven't even tweeted once.

"@itsmecourtney: greetings friends and welcome to the magical world known as my twitter."

After a while of sitting around and tweeting and instagramming, Ross gets up.

"I have to get back to set." Ross declares. We all nod, barely acknowledging what he said. He just sighs and shakes his head.

After a while of silence, looking at our phones, Riker looks up at me. "Hey, Court?" He asks.


"Why did you decide to up and change your whole appearance?" He questions.

"I've always been known as the person who nobody remembered. I was never actually given a second glance at school. There was nothing special about me- nothing to stand out. Now, I feel like people will actually notice me. Not just ignore me. I'm just tired of being the nobody." I explain. Riker hugs me.

"Courtney, you are special. The people at school don't know what they're missing if they're not friends with you. Just remember that you always have us." He assures me. When he pulls away, he smirks. "And we weren't lying before. Ross does think you're hot. I could see it in his face when you first walked in the room."

For some reason I blush. Sure, Ross has called me beautiful and pretty, but hot is something different. Hot is something you would say to a girl you're attracted to.

"Oh she's blushing!" Ellington yells. I put my hands over my face.

"Shut up!" I exclaim.

"If you don't like him then why does your face resemble a cherry?" Rocky asks, an evil smile playing on his face.

"Because if a good looking guy calls me hot, no matter who he is, I'm going to blush." I reply indignantly.


I feel like Ryland is about to use what I just said against me.

"So, you think Ross is good looking?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Every girl does, now can we please stop this interrogation?" I snap and go back to my phone.

"Well, someone's touchy today." Riker mutters.

I just have no idea why the thought of Ross thinking I'm hot makes me intrigued.


Hola! I just want to say that even though this isn't getting as much reads as my rydellington fanfic, I'm still really loving this. Thank you to all 20 something people that have been reading it. This means a lot. I finally know where i want this to go. FINALLY OMG i was so unprepared when i started this. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing, but now i have an idea about what i want to do. I realized that i come up with really good fanfic ideas when I'm bored at work :P

Oh and listen to the big bang by Rock Mafia when reading this. Well i suggest it. I was thinking about the song during the whole change thing. So yeah. 

-Lots of looooooove, Courtney <3

Love To Love Her (A Ross Lynch/R5 fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora