December Endings

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This is a really long chapter....... Just warning you. I mean, you can probably already see that it is but I wanted to.... idek guys just enjoy

"Happy birthday Ross!" Ratliff says, walking up to Ross with the camera.

He puts on his sunglasses. "I'm 17 baby."

Ross and the rest of us are spending his birthday here in New Jersey. They're playing a show. Ross doesn't mind though. In fact, he likes it better this way.

"I turned 17 two months ago." I gloat to the camera. Ross pushes my face away.

"Today is my day, not yours Courtney. Stop gloating." He says more to the camera than to me. 

"I hope the Austin and Ally set is big enough to hold your ego!" I call as he walks away. I shake my head and laugh. 

Riker comes up to me and takes a cucumber. "You ready for plan silly string?" He mutters. I nod and take his vegetable. "Hey!" He runs off with his platter of veggies into a corner and starts protecting them with his life. I roll my eyes. Riker is such a dork. 

Soon, its time for the meet and greet. I help Ryland load the boxes of silly string into the corner. 150 cans is a lot. "Whatchya got in those boxes?" Ross asks. I freeze. He wasn't supposed to see us! Why isn't he doing meet and greets?

"Uh, just..... extra merch." I lie, wrinkling my eyebrows a bit. Ross raises his, but doesn't say anything. Ross always knows when I'm lying, but there's no way he knows there's silly string in there. "Why aren't you doing meet and greets?" I change the subject. 

"Dad and Andre are still working on getting everyone signed in." He says helping me with the boxes. Rocky walks in and almost chokes on his strawberry. He has to work his hardest to hold in the laughter. Ross is helping unload the ingrediants to his birthday prank. I shoo him away and Mark walks up behind us, 

"The first group is coming in now." He lets Ross know. Ross sets down the last box.

"Ok. See you later Court." He kisses my cheek and runs into the picture room. I stand by the exit of the room with the boxes and take this opportunity of momentary alone time to go on twitter. 

"@itsmecourtney: HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY TO MY BEST FRIEND OF ALLLLLLL TIME @rossR5 i love you with all my heart Saucey! #besties4lyfe"

As soon as I finish typing out the tweet, three very excited and nervous girls walk out of the room. "Hey guys, me, Rydel, and the boys are playing a birthday prank on Ross. After they sing happy birthday to him for the second time, bombard Ross with the silly string!" I tell them, handing each of them a can. They look at me and start laughing. 

"That's genius! Glad we can help!" One exclaims. They look like they're going to say something else, so I just smile. "Um, can we get a picture with you?" 

I stand there, shocked. No-one has ever really asked for a picture before. Everyone knows who I am, but I never really thought they cared about "Ross' best friend".

"Of course!" I say. We quickly snap the picture and they start walking away.

"Oh my gosh, during the picture, Ross was totally squeezing my waist! I caught him checking me out a few times too!" One of the girls tells her friends as they're walking away. 

"Oh yeah! I saw that too! You're so lucky......" their voices start fading away. I feel a pang of jealousy. He did what? I'm too busy thinking about what those girls just said that I barely see the group of people walking out of the room. I hand them the string, tell them the plan, then do that 100 other times for all the VIPs.

During the Q&A, they sing happy birthday to Ross. 

Then they start answering questions. They get the usual selfie requests, the 'will you marry me's, the 'corn or shiskabob' type questions. Then Ross points to a girl in the front. 

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