a/n rant???????

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Help me. Like, my friends are kinda annoying. I'm not kidding. Most of my  friends are imbeciles... Like, my one friend... Let's call her Bitchy. So, Bitchy is ALWAYS fucking bragging and showing off and shit. Like, bitch no one gives a shit. NO ONE FUCKING CARES.  We don't give a shit.

Then, there is the annoying one who says comes non-stop. Let's call her..... Trashy. Trashy used to constantly spam tik toks. She also plays and quotes old vines, even though vine is dead. It just annoys me but she stopped. So, that's a huge perk.

Then, there is a girl who we'll call "Tom" because she loves him. I don't have a problem with her. She's cool. But, she gave me a fish and it died that day. I fed it and put it in a pretty decent sized tank. It swam on its side and freaking died. I looked back and didn't see it. I saw its tail and it was just fucking floating there.

Yeah. I think I'm done ranting for now.

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