Episode 4: Eva's Point of View

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Meanwhile, on the very same day of school...

Eva just got dropped off by Lyla. And just in time too. The school bell was just about to ring. Eva quickly sat down.

Hailey waved hello at her and gestured Eva to sit down. She was an adorable 8 year old blonde girl with pigtails. She wore a pink, frilly dress with bows at the front.

Hailey is the younger sister of Nate, Lyla's crush. She befriended Eva after seeing that her sister and Nate got along quite well with each other. But as time wore on, Hailey and Eva were the best of friends and nothing would come in between them.

Recently, Hailey realized that Nate acts strange around Lyla. She didn't know why so she decided to ask Eva. After all, Eva know all about this stuff.

"Strange?" was her reaction. "Strange how?"

"Well, Nate smiles a lot when I hear your sister's name. He also talks about her to Mom and Dad," she explained.

"Oh! My sister does that too! I heard from Dani that it means she likes him!" Eva exclaimed. "So he likes her back? I knew it!"

The two girls giggled about their older siblings when a silver haired boy the same age as them walked up to them. "You girls are in my table. Get out," he sneered.

"You can't tell us what to do!" Eva protested.

"Oh I see," Hailey piped up, "you must be that rich kid who lives across the street from me."

"And I see that our neighbors have ugly children," the boy insulted. Hailey started to cry.

"Hey! That's mean! I'm calling the teacher! You'll be sorry!" Eva really disliked the boy now. He tried shooing them out, and insulted her friend.

"Oh my!" the teacher gasped. "What is going on? I was trying to quiet you down but it seems like we a problem!"

Eva was about to explain when the silver haired boy butted in. "I had nothing to do with it! You see, I was minding my own business when all of a sudden this girl started bullying my seatmate! Now I very much tried to stop her but she kept thrashing about and calling me names!"

"Eva!" the teacher gasped, this time with a bit of anger. "I can't believe you would have this kind of behavior in this class! And I thought that you and Hailey were friends! I'm sorry, but you have to move and get a timeout."

"This isn't true! Hailey was being bullied by him!" she yelled back. Hailey was too busy crying to explain.

"And now you are talking back! Make that twenty minutes. I'm very disappointed." She left with a sad look on her face, and Eva couldn't keep her anger in, but she tried so that she doesn't get anymore timeouts. She looked back at the boy before she moved, and she saw a triumphant smirk on his face. He meant to do that on purpose!

She really disliked that boy.

"Hey Eva." Hailey walked over to her during recess. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell her the truth."

"It's okay," she replied happily. "What is that kid doing anyway?"

"Actually, his name is Marcus. He's the richest kid in the country. Right now he's doing his morning tea."

"That Marcus bugs me," Eva whispered in Hailey's ear.

"Everyone wants to be friends with him," Hailey continue. "I think it has to do with him being rich."

All of a sudden, the boy rushed up to the timeout spot. "Oh, hello there ugly and defiant." he laughed at Eva's situation. "I can't believe the teacher fell for that! Hahahaha!"

"Anyway, I'm going to leave and laugh at your stupidity! See you later defiant." He continued laughing until they could no longer hear him.

Eva clenched her fists. "Ok that's it, I'm gonna kill him when I get my hands on him!" she screamed softly. "For me and Hailey." Hailey looked at her friends with curious eyes. Exactly how was she going to do that?

Eva's timeout eventually ended. Hailey was glad the teacher didn't go on her word so Eva now has half a recess.

"You can't kill a guy," Hailey reminded her. "It's not legal."

"If I can't, I'll just get revenge for you and me, Lee-chan!"

"I guess..." Hailey said before trailing off. She smiled at her friend, who's plotting the perfect plan for revenge.

"Okay!" Eva said joyfully. "But it WILL require some help from people." She ran over to all of the people that also was insulted or hurt by Marcus. "Misty, Yui, Aki, Kana, Joe, Tim, and uhhh..."

"Antonio," replied the last kid.

"Yes! You all are part of my master plan to get revenge on Marcus!" she cheered. The other children screamed in glee. "So I've noticed that all of us have one thing in common, we have all been hurt by the new kid. Will we stand up? Yes we will!"

"Yeah!" the kids cheered. Hailey looked at them. She hoped that her plan doesn't go out of control. But her hope diminished, due to that Eva's plans always go out of control. She decided to join in.

"Okay, so what do we do chief?" she asked.

"Yay! Hailey's on this too!" Eva sighed in relief. "Okay, so this is the plan..." And she whispered her so-called successful plan.


Marcus was just minding his own business when all a sudden, a group of his classmates started rushing toward him. "What in the blazers is going on?" he muttered when a bunch if boys tied him up and covered him with a blindfold. They started spinning him around and counted to 30.

When they were done, the girls giggled as they pulled off the tied rope(?) and took off the blindfold. "Get us rich boy," they taunted as they ran away. Marcus felt dizzy and weak in the knees; he was spun rather quickly.

"Wha...?" was all he could manage to say before he fainted. Eva's plan went awry. Again.

The teachers came rushing towards him. They tried waking up by gently shaking him. Eva was shocked. How could he faint from being spun around? She looked at him and felt a little pity. But when the boy came to, and the teachers asked what happened, he kept saying he didn't know what happened at all but blamed it all on Eva.

How did he know? she thought. The teachers came up to her and interviewed her. She confessed to everything. Forced to go to the silver-haired boy, she reluctantly apologized. The teachers, satisfied, left.

"I'm sorry. I was-" she began to say when he rudely interrupted.

"What?" he scoffed. "You actually did it? You really are defiant! I should start blaming you for everything that has happened to me!" Marcus pushed her down. "Let that teach you a lesson. You will never win in a battle against me."

Eva got extremely mad at him. "Oh you... jerk rich kid!" she yelled.

"But," he said, "I'll forgive you this time. Do not think I'll do it again. If in exchange, you give me some of your lunch."

"Fine," she muttered, violently shaking. I can't believe I've been tricked by him! oh I will so get him! she thought. She knew that one day she'll get her revenge.

But that will have to wait.

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