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We were gathered in a hotel ball for our graduation from Brigade Private High School. I'm wearing a black tux match with the pants and I wore one of my new airplane tie. I was standing with the boys for a photo and I was kneeling in the middle along with Van, Rio, and Chris while the others are standing up. We took 4 pictures together until the girls scolded us for taking too long which made us took another 3 pictures more to piss the girls off.

When we finished, we took our seats and I know I should've took a seat next to my mum and my siblings but I was forced by Michael to sit with the other boys with that round big table. I know half of the boys are annoying so while the principle is making a speech, they made their way out the ball room - outside the hotel as well to smoke before continue to do what they're born to do.

After that, we walked to the stage to get our diploma and get back to their seats to have a small party together along with the parents and the teachers. The boys decided to stay on the table while playing coins tricks to kill time before we're going to ruin the moment for everyone because that's what we do, we ruin things. While I was having fun with Michael, Van, and Calum, I felt a hand pressed on my shoulder and I turned around only to see Luke with his clear blue eyes and that amazing red tuxedo which made me realized how hot he is when he wore something like this. His hair is very neat and I can see the man in him which is very sexy.

Before he could say anything, suddenly, bunch of girls come to him to take photos together and Luke nodded before turned at me and say, "I'll be right back!"

I shook my head before bit my lower lip to stop myself from smiling and went back to the boys. It surprises me that not even a single person know that I like Luke, did my action really that smooth? Didn't I show too much move? How come they didn't notice a thing? I blushed at the thought if someone would find out about my crush on Luke, they'd probably freak out because after the Joshua accident, everyone's been so distant to him lately and that made me sad a little.

Van whistle as he watched Rani walked over him with that soft pink dress with a soft nude make up on her face. I've never seen her like this before and I think she's better this way because all the boys are looking at her with wide eyes. When Van found out that Calum's smirking at her, he smacked the back of his head before standing up and mention to Rio where the hell he hid the special graduation gift for his girlfriend. At first, Rio and also I were confused at what he's saying until he ooo'ed and get under the table to get something until he revealed a beautiful bouquet of pretty flowers with different soft colors.

Rani's eyes widen when she saw it and smiled bashfully when Van gave it to her then kissed her cheek which made us awed at the moment. It must be a special moment for Rani because Yovan isn't a romantic guy like that. He treats her differently which also made her special but this is rare for her. Let's just Van is an unpredictable kind of person and I guess that's why Rani loves him so much. That's why they're a couple in the first place. Two different person completed each other, hopefully they wouldn't be like my parents. I have a good feeling that Rani and Van would be a great family with kids someday.

I can't help but smile at them until I realized the other couples are also giving their significant other something like chocolate or photo album or flowers. It's beautiful, I admit it. I wish I had that but, who am I kidding? I should've been the one who give someone something. I'm a boy, for goodness sake. As more people having a great time with their partner, meeting them with their parents or giving stuff like it's a thanksgiving day, I started to frown because I wanted that too but I don't have anyone. Isn't it cringe if someone suddenly give me flowers? Boy or girl doesn't matter since it is still cringe for me.

"Ashton," I was too sad to turn around but then I felt both hands rest on my shoulder and I realized it isn't Kyle or Valiando since I saw them walking past us from the table which made my eyes widen before look up only to see Luke grinning at Van and Rani.

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