Chapter 15

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"Can I go out tonight?" I asked my mum on that Saturday morning. I was expecting her to give me a lecture about how dangerous it is for me to go out at that hour, but surprisingly, she only gave me that concerned look before sighing. That must be a good sign if a mother does that, right?

She didn't answer me for a second before finally turn her attention to me from watching the tv. She didn't look upset but more like concerned, I hope she'd say something other than no. She say, "You know... I can't say no-,"


"But that doesn't mean I say yes either," she glared at me so I keep my head down low before look up to her with expectation. "Ashton Irwin, you know how dangerous it is-,"

"Mum," I whined before turned to her with a soft smile. "It's just this one time. Beside, I never get out from the house at night with friends. Please, let me have this. Just one night. I swear I'll be home before 1,"

She glared. "You should be home before 11, young men,"

"Mum, Luke will pick me up at 6. How am I supposed to be home at 11? You know how traffic hold the time to downtown, right?" I pleaded then she gave me another look which I have to resist myself from rolling my eyes.

"Who's Luke? You never mention about him," she asked but I was quick to get a 'yes' out of her without even get the specific answer from her.

I yelled, "He's just a friend,"

"Is he?" she asked and I closed my bedroom door, a smile crept on my face.

My heart was screaming 'amen, amen, amen to that' and I can't help but bit my lower lip while smiling. Isn't it nice to ride his sweet BMW in the middle of the night and I could... you know, be with him for a night. I'm not a night person so I might fall asleep but to think about it, I don't think I won't since I'm going to sit behind his motorbike.

Hours passed by, it was finally the time for us to get going. I texted Sean and Michael if we want to meet up so we can go there together. When they didn't reply, I quickly text Luke and ask if he's going to pick me up or what. I know I like him and I should've show some signs that I like him. Here's a thing about me, I'm scared and afraid of being rejected.

Soon enough, my phone's ringing saying that Sean isn't coming and I got it from Amy who's also coming along. My heart dropped when I heard the news and I think I'm tearing up a little. I don't want this night to be canceled because the main reason we wanted to go out isn't coming. Later on, Kyle didn't answer our calls.

Amy said that if there isn't many people coming then we should just cancel it but I don't want that. I was so ready for tonight and I really don't want this to cancel. Sure, they always hang out every night even on school night so it's very different to me. Especially this one night where I can finally look and explore more about my crush; Luke Hemmings.

I sighed before put my phone down with a frown. I haven't say a word about the event and I was pretty sure will join them but now I'm not so sure. Looking forward to see Luke isn't the only reason for tonight, I really want to hang with the others as well. Suddenly, my phone lit up and saw Luke's name on it. What he said next really melt my heart.

From: luke
To: Ashton Irwin.
Going to pick you up soon with my car lol. Get ready.

I'm almost there, Ash.

Btw, we're going to set Amy and Michael together. We're going to make them suffer. Are you in?

From: Ashton Irwin.
To: luke
We're going to set them up? Are you crazy?

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