Chapter 3

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It was 8 p.m when I laid on my bed and see his phone contact in my phone. Everyone has an iPhone X now but Luke and I still have the exact iPhone. We have iPhone 5S. He has a grey iPhone 5S while I have a gold iPhone 5SE. Little things like this always makes me feel all funny inside.

I would scream about how adorable we could be if only he knows. I bit my lower lip when I check his profile picture, he was with Valiando with his BMW R Nine T. Yes, he likes his motorbike and likes to bring it everywhere with him while I like cars. Bummer, we would have a great time in the car if we'll ever go on a date sometimes. But when I think about it, riding his motorbike will be as cheesy as every romance movie I've watched.

I could hug his cute waist and feel his adorable tummy, lay my head on his muscular back and let him lead me to wherever he's going. It's so sad to know that I'll be just a friend to him. I really want to confess my feelings to him but I also need to know if he actually likes me as well. I really don't want him to reject me right on my face when I did it. Okay, that may be a little bit dramatic. He won't ever do that now, will he? it's Luke Hemmings we're talking about anyway.

The next morning, my morning routine went like usual and off to school. It is Friday today, usually good stuff happens on this day. I mean, doesn't everyone love Friday? when I got to school, I saw Van trying to apologize about what he did to Rani at her chair. Whatever he've done, it must be stupid and silly. Rani has every right to be upset so I won't bother to help him.

I take my seat and put my bag on the table and pull out the books in my bag. Without my recognition, I felt someone took a seat next to me. I turned my head and saw Riley smiling at me. Riley was in the same class as me when we were on a sophomore year and we did have a great time together. She's one of a funny girl yet mysterious as well.

"G'morning, Ash," she said and I nodded at her. "Do you want to see my art? Lula made it for me,"

"What art?" I asked and she put a piece of paper on my table, force me to read whatever it is on the paper. I raised an eyebrow at her before read it.

Don't be a poor person.

I was beyond confused before turn to her who had a huge smile on her face. "What does that mean?"

"That means, make everything simple. Don't take everything too seriously, make it all good and follow the flow," she explains and I kinda liked it. "Do you like it?"

"Yeah," I chuckled. "It's great... and savage,"

"Heh, you have no idea," she said before pulling her hand up for a high five and I chuckled before doing what she instructed me to do before she walked away.

Riley is a good kid. She's like a girl version of Luke. She's bad and has like the loudest exhaust on her motorbike. Yes, she rode a motorbike too. Something I'm not. When the class started, my math's teacher start the time. She announced about an exam next week which she told us to study so we won't have bad score.

Who am I to say I'm not going to study? Bullshit, my bed will say to fuck it.


"Ash!" I turned around when I was going to the toilet after eating lunch, was quite surprised to see Luke out of no where. He jogged over my direction and follow me to the toilet.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "What are you doing?"

"What? Can't a man do his business?" He fired back.

Ouch. Man, that hurts to my balls. I chuckled softly, letting him know that I was just joking. He just followed me to the bathroom and I never been so confused of him. I don't think he even need a piss, he's only following me - looking at me pissing which is kinda disturbing to me but I shrugged. Quietly, feel uncomfortable about the fact that he's watching.

No, he isn't beside me while I'm pissing but he's in the same room as me and that's sorta weird for me. When I finished, I washed my hands and watched as he does the same. Okay, this is getting a bit freaky.

"The fuck, Luke? Why are you following me?" I asked him, trying to hide my fond smile.

He pouted a little. "I barely see you yesterday. Can't I be with my friend? can I blame you that I miss you?"

Bullshit. He always said that to everyone. Oh really? I don't think he'd ever say that to the girls before. Does he like me? Fuckin' bullshit.

"Wha-what?" I raised an eyebrow, trying so hard not to laugh.

He grinned at me. "Want to skip class? What class are you in?"

"Actually, I have economic now," I told him.

He nodded. "Oh. You want to enter her class?"

I shook my head and smiled at me. "No, I think I could skip. Beside, I didn't do her assignment yesterday with Van. What's the worst thing could happen to me?"

"Anything's possible," Luke chuckled at my statement. "I want to eat something. Want to join me?"

I nodded and silently scream in victory when I finally have a personal time with him. How my wishes has come true, just a little time with him before graduation is fine for me. He led me to the empty cafeteria and ordered something while I wait on an empty seat. Soon, he join me and starts eating.

The situation is a bit too tense for me, and how my heart beating isn't helping for my reputation to him. As I watch him eating noodle, I stare at those pink lips even when it already pressed a cigar before. I saw him smoked on my 17th birthday back in my place and that was also the first time I wore his sweater. Best of my life.

"Oh, anyway, I've been meaning to ask," I started because that's just who I am, doesn't like the quietness between us.

He only raised both of his eyebrows to let me continue whatever I'm trying to say without looking up from his food since he's chewing. I feel my cheeks went rosy by watching him like this, how can he be so hot and cute while eating? This is so unfair.

"You told me you rejected a freshman girl? Tasha?" I asked and he nodded. I gulped before look down to my hands and ask, "why did you reject her? Isn't she like the hottest girl on the freshman year?"

His blue eyes met mine and I feel blood rushing up to my head when those eyes literally stabbed my heart. He started to say, "are you kidding me? Ash, I thought you know better,"

"What are you talking about?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"There's no way in hell I could date her. Didn't you know that she had the nerves to ask Valiando's id card? That's just not ladylike," he explained and his face turn into a disgusted face while looking to the other away. "I don't even know why the boys labeled her as the hottest, I mean, she isn't even my type,"

"Oh?" I smirked before urging myself to be close to him and I don't think he was annoyed by the closeness. "What's your type then, Mr. Hemmings?"

"Honestly...," he turned to me and I feel like my heart stop beating for a while and then he smiled at me. "I like a girl who's simple and... you know, just be herself,"

I smiled at him, he's very mature than I ever thought and I still can't believe that I haven't say a word about my feelings to him. I know sooner or later with how close I am with him, I'll explode soon.

"What about you?" He asked me back and I turned to him with a surprised look.


"Yeah, what about you, Ash? Don't you have a type of girl that you like?" He asked me as he slurped his noodle.

I smiled softly at him, staring at those bright blue eyes who's looking down to his food. Damn, how I want to shout it in front of his face. What am I going to say? I ain't a just a friend to him, I'm a guy as well. Never for once he mention about gay so how would I know if he isn't gay?

He turned to me, expecting me for an answer. I shook my head, "I'm not looking for someone,"

He stopped for a minute before nodding and smiling at me. He say, "I don't blame you. All girls are the same these days. Spending time with yourself is more... what do you call it? Beneficial than dating some weird girl,"

"Yeah," I fake chuckled, silently tearing up.

Well-played, Ash.


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