Chapter 17

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It was 11 in the evening and we just arrived at the small festival in downtown. The night hasn't move one bit, it's only getting slower each time I looked at them. When I looked at him, specifically. I could just order an uber and go home, I really want this night to end as fast as it could.

When Amy and Michael took too long inside the car since they said they want to take care of their 'clothes' or whatever they're doing, leaving Luke and I outside the car. I don't want to see him right now and I don't care if I hurt his feelings, it's like he cares about mine anyway.

"Did you fart?" He suddenly asked in this empty basement parking lot.

"What?" I turned at him.

"You're just really quite. It made me think that you farted," Luke joked and I invisibly rolled my eyes at him. I suddenly feel his eyes at me and I could feel he approached me. "Hey, man, you good?"

I took a deep breath before turned at him with cold eyes. "Yeah, why?"

"I feel like you're giving me a cold shoulder," he told me and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why's that?" I asked him back and he only looked at me before shrugging his shoulders.

When the silence filled our tension, I decided to look at the high light of Sydney's dark night with pretty lights. That could accompany me from this recent broken heart. Suddenly, Luke's happy aura slapped mine and he looked at me with a wide smile and say, "Hey, Ash-,"

"I'm not in the mood, Luke. Shut up," I closed my eyes in irritation.

Another silence is all I need, I don't need his smile to cure my days. How foolish I was. How could I just depend my happiness on him? how can I just be happy when he's happy? It's so unfair that he didn't do the same. Don't you fucking dare to blame me from not taking the chance when I have, I'm going to haunt you to sleep.

He frowned from my respond but I don't care anymore. If he wants me to leave, that's also fine for me. I don't need his sympathy anyway. Honestly, I'm just really tired for tonight. It hasn't even begin and yet I want to go home.

Finally, Amy and Michael got out from the car and we started to walk to the place. It was crowded, I shall say. Everyone are mostly drunk at this hour and I'm not even surprised, this place is having a musical festival and Queen's songs are playing softly in the background. I like the fact that they're also playing Jonas Brothers, I guess going out with them isn't awful after all. Except that one part of the night.

I'm not in the mood to sit next to Luke at the moment but before I could sit next to Michael, the blond haired lad softly pulled me to his side and sit next to him. When I turned at him, he just smiled at me before pressing his back on the sofa. I didn't realize I was tearing up while looking at him. I can't believe this actually happens so fast and I think this isn't normal for a teenager like me.

I like him and I should've said that but I only made it worst. I avoided that because I thought it was just a silly crush but I was surprised how it led me to. I'm not just laying on a cold hard ground right now, every steps I took is burning to my spine. Everything hurts and I don't understand how Luke is still so damn blind.

"I fucking hate you," Michael whispered-yelled to the both of us because we, mostly Luke, actually leaving Michael with Amy most of the time.

And soon, when the two lovebirds are busy with each other - the awkward tension came into us. Luke keep on turning his gaze on me while I just looked at the bands that are playing on the stage. Maybe my attention was set on the bands too hard that I didn't realize Luke put his hand in the back of my back rest.

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