Until We Meet Again

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Screams from inside Kuraki's room echoed through the halls. A seven month pregnant Kogogeta sat in the hall. "Kuraki is going to murder Goten after this." She chuckles.

Zaru chuckled "Yeah, she probably is"

"What do you think she's gonna have?"

He shrugged "Not a clue, couldn't guess"

Bulma opened the door, peeking her head out. "Kogo, we need you in here."

She slowly stands, sighing "What's wrong?"

"Kuraki is literally about to rip Gotens head off. We need you to keep her calm." Bulma explains.

Zaru chuckled lightly "Lord.."

"I'll be back." Kogogeta walks in with Bulma.

Two hours later, Kogogeta poked her head out. "Zaru. Come meet your nephews"

"Plural?" He asked standing up and walking over.


On Kuraki's bed, she holds two bundles of blue blankets. "Guys, meet Gozen and Tenzen Son."

Zaru smiled "Awesome names, heh"

Goten smiled "ehehe"

"Our beautiful sons..." Kuraki smiled.

*Two months later...*

"I FUCKING HATE YOU ZARU GHATO!!!" Kogogeta screamed.

Zaru just chuckled "Oh come on, I'm trying to help you out here!"

"HOW are you helping me???"

Zaru looked at her "You're almost breaking my hand, its called helping deal with the pain Kogo"

She groans then sighs in relief "I hate you."

Bulma smiles "Congratulations. It's a boy." Bulma hands them their baby, who has a blue eye and a golden eye.

Zaru looked at her "Do you hate me now?"

"Yeah, let's go with that."

Zaru chuckled "Our first is a boy"

"He's so beautiful..."

Zaru looked at him with a smile "Yeah, well of course, look who his mother is!"

He shrugged "I'm bad with names?"

"How about...."

*More time skips!!!*

Bulma opened the door, smiling. "Kogo! Zaru! Nice to see you!" Kogo held little two year old Amaru in her arms, as seven year old Zugo stood beside his father.

Zaru nodded "You too Bulma"

Gozen and Tenzen ran towards them "Uncle Zaru!! Uncle Zaru!!" Gozen smiled "Up up!!" He held his arms out as Tenzen hugged Kogo's legs.

Zaru chuckled picking Gozen up "Aye up bud"

Kuraki came to the door, holding little baby Kiara in her arms "Happy Holidays!"

Kogo nodded "Happy Holidays."

Zaru looked at her "Happy holidays to you too"

"Come on! Let's celebrate!"

As everyone enjoyed each other's company, our teens have finally found their true happiness. As they turned into adults, had their own children, they've finally found their peace.

But this isn't the end of their story. In fact, it's just beginning.

Wow... This has been... An amazing roller coaster. I've never imagined that this story would lead me here. It's finally over.

I want to thank LeyoFic for helping me finish this story.

I want to thank everyone who's read this and supported me.

I will have the sequel to this book fairly soon.

Thank you so much.


Its LeyoFic here! Just wanted so say that I loved helping out, it's been the best thing ever. Thanks for reading!


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